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History of educational technology in ELT classrooms

  • Behavioristic CALL

    Behavioristic CALL
    Being informed by the behavioristic learning model, it appeared in 1950s' and implemented in 1960s' and 1970s'. The current philosophy of CALL puts a strong emphasis on student-centred materials that allow learners to work on their own. It has two important features: interactive learning and individualised learning.
    Vocabulary drill exercises and cloze tests are two examples for it.
  • Communicative CALL

    Communicative CALL
    It emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s, at the same time when behavioristic approaches to language teaching were being rejected at both the theoretical and pedagogical level, and when new personal computers were creating greater possibilities for individual work (Warschauer & Healey, 1998).
    The arrival of PC made computing much widely available and resulted in a increase in the development of software for language learning.
    Examples: Paced reading, text reconstruction and language games.
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    Evolved to assist students’ language learning with use of mobile technologies such as mobile phones, PDAs and devices such as the iPhone or iPad.
    -Twarog and Pereszlenyi Pinter used telephones to provide distant language learners with feedback and assistance. (1980)
    -Dickey (2001) utilized teleconferencing to teach an English conversation course.
    -Thornton and Houser (2002-2005) developed a course management system, Poodle, to facilitate deploying language learning material to mobile phones.
  • Integrative CALL

    Integrative CALL
    It states that people have their own perspective and reality and they learn by observing, processing and it is based on projects, tasks and contents.
    Examples: Montevidisco and A la rencontre de Philippe.
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    It is defined as the useage of robots to teach people language eexpression or comprehension skills—such as speaking, writing, reading, or listening. It is inspired by AI and researches for it started around 2004 in some Asian countries.
    Examples of Robots (AI) used in this:
    1- NAO (Anthropomorphic)
    2- iCAT (zoomorphic)
    3- DragonBot (Cartoon-like)
    4- Scribbler (Mechanomorphic)