Jan 1, 1000
Was invented in 3000 BC. It was a calculating device with which you could do math. It was pretty much the beginning stages of calculators. I did not personally use this in school, but I know some people that have to help them learn early math. -
Jan 1, 1440
Gutenburg Printing Press
Was invented by Johannes Gutenburg in 1440. This was the beginning of printing books, newspaper, etc. Instead of handwriting everything. I have not personally used the actual press, but we use many textbooks, books, worksheets, etc, that are printed. -
Was designed by Johann Zahn in 1685, but the first photograph was clicked by Joseph Nicephore Niepce in the year 1814. The camera is used to take photographs, just like it does today. We used the camera a little throughout school, depending what we were doing. -
The phone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in March 10, 1876. The phone was used to communicate with others that you couldn't talk to face to face. We have phones in every classroom incase another teacher or the office needed to get ahold of the teacher or if there was an emergency. The students aren't allowed to use them, less there is special reasons. -
Was invented by Eadweard Muybridge in 1879. The projector was mainly used to show movies and picture by creating an illusion movement. We have used modern day projectors, overhead projectors, and viewmaster projectors. We only used viewmaster projects a couple of times in library class in elementary school. We used the overhead projector mainly in elementary and middle school. We definitely use projectors in high school and college, mainly to help students to learn. -
Invented by Gugliemo Marconi in 1896. The radio was orginially used to transmit morse code through radio waves. It later became more of a form of entertainment, like broadcasting news, music, sports, etc. In school, we mainly listened to music on the radio while working with in groups or individually. -
It was designed by Philo Taylor Farnsworth in September 7, 1927. The televisions were . We use(d) in the classroom a lot. The teachers mainly uses the tv to show us educational videos, sometimes we would be able to watch a regular movie on special occations. -
Floppy Disks
IMB started producing floppy disks in 1967. They were used to save items from the computer, which could be then put on another computer. It was like a flash drive. It was another way to save things just in case something happened to the computer. I haven't used a floppy disk in school, but I have used many at home. My family actually still has some that has pictures and other stuff on them. -
Pocket Calculator
Three employees from Texas Instruments (Kilby, Maryman, and Van Tasel) created the pocket calculator. The calculator was a small portable electronic device that could do simple math. I use a calculator everyday in school. I have since I was in forth or fifth grade. It is definitely a lifesaver. -
cell Phones
The first mobile phone call was made April 3, 1973. The cell phone was used to communicate with people when they were out and about. They didn't have to be at home using their landlines to talk to someone that they couldn't talk to face to face. We use cell phones a lot in high school to incorporate into our learning.