First Digital Computer Created ENIOC at University of Pennsylvania
Period: to
History of Educational Technology
Space War: First Video Game
DASD - Over Head Projectors
DuBois Area School District begins using Over Head Projectors in the Classroom. -
Commercial Free TV Programming for Children
WQED T.V. station in Pittsburgh offered commercial free programming for children -
DASD - Mimeographs
Mimeographs are used to copy materials for lessons and students -
First Handheld Calculator
Sesame Street - Commercial Free Children Programming
DASD - Film Strip Projectors are Purchased
Film strip projectors are used in the classroom -
First IBM PC Released
Channel One Grant - TV/VCR's installed in classrooms all over PA
Channel One grant allows schools all over PA to install televisions/VCR's in every classroom -
DASD - Televisions and VCRs installed and Implemented
Channel One is created for schools all across the country and the schools are given grant money to install T.V.'s and VCR's in every classroom. -
First Digital Cell-Phones
Americans with Disabilities Act
Americans with Disabilities Act- schools were given more technology resources to help aid students with disabilities -
Apple Comuters installed in Elementary classrooms
DASD is given a grant to install (1) Apple computer in every Elementary classroom. -
Educate America Act
DASD installs firts computer lab with internet capabilities
DASD installs first lab with internet (56k modem) -
Napster begins peer to peer
Blogger Launched
No Child Left Behind Act
NCLB - brougt more technology to the classroom to help students who are falling behind -
No Child Left Behind - Bush Administration
Technology becomes major focus at DASD
"Money was not an issue...it seemed liek we were buying anything and everything just because we could." Dramatic improvements were made from 2002-2008 -
Classrooms for the Future
2006-2008 - Teachers were trained to use laptops, white boards, and projectors. Gov. Ed Rendell wanted to improve technology in the classroom and DASD used grant money to install laptop carts, white boards, and projectors. -
Governor Ed Rendell - Classrooms for the Future
Classrooms for the Furture - wanted to improve technology in the classroom. Partnered with Penn State University. Teachers were trained in SmartBoards. After completing training teachers were given a SmartBoard and Projector. -
Gov. Tom Corbett - Big Push for Charter Schools/Cyber Schools
School districts around the state begin offering cyber schools to bring students back to their district