468 BCE
Memory of Loci (556-468 BC)
According to Patton (Patton, 1990), the Greek poet Simonides created a method of using mnemonics as a memory aid for story telling. Namely, Simonides devised the Method of Loci whereby one remembers details of a story as arranged in the many rooms of a home (fort or palace). To remember a the parts (items) of a story, one assigns each to the room of a house. Then by walking through those rooms in a prescribed order, one can recall the story elements assigned. -
1450 - Invention of the Printing Press
Gutenberg's movable type printing press makes the written word much more available to the masses. -
The Magic Lantern was created
The Magic Lantern became the first projector used in classrooms. The Magic Lantern used light from candles or oil lamps to project images.
A History of Classroom Projectors -
1837 Samuel Morse Invents the Telegraph
This invention greatly improves long distance communication and the sharing of information over
long distances. -
Distance Learning is Created
Universities began offering distance learning to the students once called nonresidential or external degrees which made education more accessible to a variety of learners. -
Pencil and Paper
The pencil started to be used in the classroom. The students were more responsible for their work and taking notes. This led to easier assessments since the pencil could be used on paper making it easier to grade than verbal tests. This eventually led to scantrons. -
First School Museum
The first education museum was opened in St. Louis. It contains visual aids to instruction such as photographs, stereographs, slides, films, prints, charts, and other materials for use by teachers across the district to supplement lessons. -
1908- Genesis of Gamification in Learning
Gamification is a concept that has not been around that long it is a relatively new concept, it gained widespread usage in the 21st century as a powerful engagement tool, it is used as a mechanism to help boost engagement and user enjoyment. In 1908, boy scouts awarded members with badges to emphasize their achievements. Whenever boy scouts acted based on the principles of the organization or were attending special events, they would get rewarded. -
Instructional Media
the first catalog of instructional films was developed to be used in the classroom. During the 1920s-1930s technological advances increased interest in instructional media and as a result the audiovisual instruction movement began. -
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) began broadcasting educational radio programs for schools in the 1920s. -
Television Distance Education
State University of Iowa offered educational television distance courses in subjects like oral hygiene and eventually had a wide variety of courses for students to access. They ended up leading many colleges to participate in broadcasting televised courses. People would have to turn on their radios to listen at the same time as the broadcasting. Photo source -
1950s- Adaptive Learning within Education
Adaptive Learning within EdTech, as higher education institutions rethink how to best serve their students, adaptive learning is gaining more traction. The concept of machine-driven learning dates back decades, but with better technology now available and institutions fighting to keep students engaged and in school. -
Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952)
Maria Montessori developed her philosophy of instruction originally through instruction to children with learning disabilities. Later, she applied the same approach to children without disabilities. Montessori discovered that children naturally gravated self-discipline and deep attention when given the freedom to choose their activity. The child guides learning. Photograph (Doctor Maria Montessori). -
1954- Teaching Machine by B.F. Skinner
Provided teaching and testing which reinforced the correct answers. Programmed Instruction -
1956 Benjamin Bloom Publishes "Taxonomy of Educational Objectives"
This taxonomy created a road map for classifying learning objectives. -
Sputnik Launches!
The Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik initiated a series of events that significantly influenced instructional design. In response to this event, the U.S. government invested heavily in improving math and science education, resulting in the creation of instructional materials by subject matter experts, often without testing them with learners. NASA -
Iowa assessments are computerized
Iowa was the first to introduce computer scoring, which other states soon followed. Now, almost all standardized testing is done on the computer. -
Xerox 914 Plain Paper Copier Invented
The Xerox 914 plain paper copier allowed paper-based educational materials to be disseminated quickly and economically. This was a revolutionary release that paved the way for the invention of future copiers.
Xerox 914 -
1960- Artificial Intelligence PLATO
PLATO is programmed logic for automatic teaching operations was created to offer coursework to students. -
Instructional Television Fixed Services
Instructional Television Fixed Services are implemented. Schools are able to buy satellites to access television channels to educate students and teachers. The price started around $1 a student and then ended up being about $500 for the school.
Photo Source -
Midwest Program on Airborne Television Instruction (MPATI)
Used two airplanes to transmit educational programming to schools in the midwest because of the limits of existing broadcast technology. Source -
The Vocational Education Act
funded many programs such as technology use in schools for student learning programming languages like BASIC as well as the implementation of high quality vocational education needed for direct job entry -
The Creation of Articulated Instrucional Media Project (AIM)
The education corporation Carnegie and the University of Wisconsin, with the help of Charles Wedemeyer, created the Articulated Instructional Media Project (AIM) in 1964 to consult on the design and development of communication technology for instruction through radio, film, and television. The use of this instruction was geared for higher education of independent learners (Sleator, 2010). Currently, modern distance education environments still continue to use these practices. -
1967-First handheld calculator
Introduced into the classrooms for fast computation. -
1969 Sesame Street Airs for the First Time
This was the debut of quality television programming aimed at pre-elementary and elementary students for educational purposes. This program still helps to foster a love of learning in the homes of so many children -
Birth of ARPANET
ARPANET, the internet's predecessor, was born, providing a connection to universities for technology development (Bhattacharyya, 2021). ARPANET eventually leads to collaboration between higher education institutions around the United States to share research and instruction with learners. -
Adaptive Learning Method
Along with the birth of AI, adaptive learning allows a student to have a customized learning experience based on what they need. Research shows that adaptive learning improves learning in over 32 studies. Picture from https://www.aleks.com/about_aleks -
First Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS): SCHOLAR
Carbonell developed the first intelligent tutoring system named SCHOLAR (Dargue & Biddle, 2014, as cited by Guo et al., 2021). The effectiveness of ITS have been compared to live teachers and have increased the performance of both students and teachers (VanLehn, 2011; Spector et al., 2014, as cited by Guo et al., 2021). Further developments in AI have only increased the effectiveness of ITS. -
Scantrons are used to grade multiple-choice tests automatically. -
1974 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
As educational technology expanded, concerns about data privacy and security grew. FERPA has undergone amendments and updates due to educational technology expansion in the United States. It was aimed to protect student data. -
1975 - ADDIE Model developed
Created by FSU -
Microcomputers Became Popular
Microcomputers were being introduced into the classroom. This lead to teachers being in more control over the quality of materials presented. -
Creation of the Dick Carey Model
New model was created by Walter Dick and Lou Carey which looked at the field of instructional design as a system that is interconnected rather than as separate parts. -
First Mass Market Laptop Became Available
The first mass market laptop, the Toshiba T-1100 become available. This was an important contribution to the historical timeline of PCs and laptop computers. The laptop has significantly impacted the tools and methods that educators can use to assist students in their learning journey.
Toshiba T-1100 -
1985- Online Adaptive Educational Assessment
The NWEA organization created the first computer adaptive educational assessment. This would eventually become known as MAP (Measure of Academic Progress). -
1988 Technology-Related Assistance Act (Tech Act)
The Tech Act is intended to promote people’s awareness of, and access to, assistive technology (AT) devices and services. The Act seeks to provide assistive technology to people with disabilities, so they can more fully participate in education, employment, and daily activities on a level playing field with other members of their communities. -
EBooks developed easier access and cheaper options for accessing textbooks. They also have developed into interactive learning environments with the advancement in audio and visual technology being incorporated into one space while increasing our ability to access ebooks on a multitude of devices. -
First Learning Management System (LMS): FirstClass by SoftArc
FirstClass, the first LMS, was released by SoftArc in 1990 (The History of Distance Learning and the LMS, 2015). FirstClass is still available today on Macintosh computers and "supports private email and public forums" (The History of Distance Learning and the LMS, 2015). -
1991-SMART boards
SMART boards are introduced in schools. -
Arrival of the Internet
The World Wide Web emerged. It allowed people to type something into the URL and get results from it. This allowed people to begin building web pages. Now, people could unite the information that they had on their computers and share information and data. Photo Source -
1994- CASEL Founded
The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) formed and advocated for Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). -
Virtual Field Trips
Virtual field trips (VFTs) started appearing around 1995,but greatly grew in popularity starting around 2000.The advent of photorealistic, 3D computer models of cliff sections (virtual outcrops) has improved the immersive nature of virtual geological field trips. As the COVID-19 pandemic led to widespread national and international travel restrictions, virtual field trips (VFTs) became practical and essential substitutes for traditional field trips and accelerated the development of VFTs. -
America Online (AOL)
America Online leaves behind its pay-per-hour system for a flat $19.95 monthly fee for dial-up Internet. The modern Internet era begins. AOL AOL launched services with the National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers, National Geographic, Pearson, Scholastic, ASCD, NSBA, NCTE, Discovery Networks, Turner Education Services, NPR, Highlights for Kids, the U.S. Department of Education, and many other education providers. -
1990s- AR and VR- Impact within Education
AR and VR within Edtech, Education Researchers have been exploring the potential of immersive technologies as an educational tool since at least the 1990s. AR/VR technologies are a great addition to the growing field of education technology because of their immersive experiences, their ability to share information in new and engaging ways, and their potential to offer virtual experiences that expand access to educational opportunities that would otherwise be limited by cost or physical distance. -
WiFi was invented
Wifi was invented, so there is no need to rely on wires for internet access. -
Blackboard LMS Created
Online learning system entitled Blackboard developed by Michael Chasen and Matthew Pittinsky -
IXL Founded
IXL Learning, the company behind the IXL platform for personalized learning, was founded in 1998 by Paul Mishkin. It started as a small tutoring service and later evolved into an online educational platform. The IXL platform, which provides interactive exercises and assessments for various subjects and grade levels, has been continually developed and expanded since its inception. -
Advanced Distributed Learning
ADL initiative is created within the DOD. Out of this program evolves the SCORM standard which ensures the portability of digital learning objects. Image Source -
Computer-Based Testing (CBT)
Allowed students to take standardized tests on computers. -
Start of Web 2.0
The start of Web 2.0, as mentioned by Darcy DiNucci, references the age of communicating and collaboration through user-generated content of the World Wide Web (Aced, 2013). Most engaging multimedia used as instructional tools use Web 2.0 today, such as Podcasting, VoiceThread, YouTube, Wordle, and Quizizz. -
Virtual Machines
VMware was founded in 1999 creating the first virtual machine able to virtualize the X86 architecture.
Randal, A. (2020). The ideal versus the real: Revisiting the history of virtual machines and containers. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 53(1), 1-31. -
Barriers to Technology Integration
In 1999, Peggy Ertmer identifies external and internal factors that impact successful student-centered technology integration. In Addressing First- and Second-Order Barriers to Change: Strategies for Technology Integration, Ertmer explains the relationship between these barriers and provides strategies to address them. -
Rise of Microlearning: SCORM Introduced
SCORM stands for Sharable Object Reference Model. Allowed for implementation of small learning modules that can combine for larger courses. Had implications for microlearning and distance learning. Microlearning focuses on the development of lessons that focus on what is essential, nothing more, nothing less. -
Brought about new curriculum, courses, and opportunities for students to work hands on with technology. S.T.E.M. has expanded beyond curriculum in specific classrooms to inhabit a multitude of spaces and reflects the growing technological advancements in career fields. -
The Science of Reading
The science of reading is a substantial body of research compiled over 30 years that explains how children learn to read. It continues to revelutionize the way reading is taught in schools. -
2000- Universal Design for Learning
Based on groundwork by Anne Meyer and David Rose in 1998, Universal Design for Learning (UDL) applies universal design principles from architecture to teaching methods and educational tools. -
2000- 1:1 Computing Initiatives
Many schools and districts initiated one-to-one computing programs, providing students with individual devices like laptops or tablets. This facilitated digital learning, personalized instruction, and increased access to technology in the classroom. -
2001 - Agile project management method
2001 - No Child Left. Behind (NCLB)
Created the demand for more educational software to improve student scores and track performance.
Congress.Gov -
Open Course Ware
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) announced its Open Course Ware (OCW) initiative—an effort to make courses openly available to all. Source Image Source -
Camera Phone
In 2002, the first phone with a camera in it was invented. This was quite an advancement because cell phones were still new to have, let alone one that could take pictures! -
Open Education Resources Defined
First defined by UNESCO in 2002, Open Education Resources are any "teaching, learning or research materials that are in the public domain or released with an intellectual property license that allows for free use, adaptation, and distribution" (BCCampus Open Education, 2016). OERs are meant to provide education at no cost to the learner. OERs have provided access to learners who could not afford traditional education. -
Founded in 2002, Qualtrics sought the attention of educational institutes to address student needs, improve student engagement, support emerging academic, and improve institution's culture. -
2003 - Microsoft in Education
Microsoft launces Partners in Learning, which by 2023 has provided tools including the Immersive Reader we use in this course Microsoft Learning Accelerators -
The creation of the Learning Management System (LMS)
With the increase in internet access, schools began using Learning Management Systems (LMS) such as Blackboard to organize course materials and facilitate e-learning.
Twenty Years of Edtech -
Facebook is Created
The creation of Facebook is vital to educational technology, because it is the biggest and most used social media platform. Facebook is a hub for educational groups and resources. Many schools, colleges or other learning environments communicate through facebook and students have created pages that help other students long after the founders have graduated. -
2005 - One Laptop Per Child (OLPC)
Aimed to make laptops affordable for everyone to close the education gap.
Laptop.Org -
Google Earth
Google Earth is launched, making way for clipmapping, geo-points, and inspiring the concept of live virtual fieldtrips. Images from Google Earth serve as geographical reference points and visual references for learning. -
Google Translate (2005)
In 2005, according to (Google Translate, 2023), Google launched its Google Translate technology that translates free-form text from one language to another. As of August 2023, Google Translate supports 133 languages. In January 2010, Google included Google Translate into its Google Chrome Browser so that any page can be readily translated to a desired targeted language. -
Started in 2005, bought by Google in 2006, Youtube is a video sharing site. Is increasingly used to show educational clips that can be downloaded to a course shell. -
eBooks bring flexibility to the classroom and have features that enhance the learning experience. Annotation tools, bookmarks, hyperlinks, dictionary, and a search feature. 2007 brought the launch of the iPhone by Apple, with its application abilities and Amazon launched the Kindle eBook reader in the U.S. A couple years later, Sony brought libraries into the e-reading experience through the OverDrive app, allowing temporarily downloads of eBooks from local libraries. -
Learning Experience Design (LXD)
In 2007, the term Learning Experience Design (LXD) is coined in 2007 by Niels Floor at Avans University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. LXD takes a learner-centered approach to instructional design and considers all aspects of the learner, including their expectations and emotions, to develop engaging learning experiences. -
Quizlet was Founded
Quizlet was founded by Andrew Sutherland and released to the public in 2007. It's primary product includes flashcards, matching games, proactive test, and live quizzes for various subjects. In 2023 Quizlet started to incorporate an Artificial Intelligence feature with the release of "Q-Chat". -
2008 - Action Mapping Method Developed
by Cathy Moore -
Khan Academy Founded
Khan Academy established not-for-profit status and popularized the use of online learning of mathematics. It eventually was built into a standards-based instructional platform created to be efficient for student learning and remediation for a variety of subjects.
Khan Academy -
iPad Launched
Apple released the new iPad in 2010. Today the iPad is used in schools across the world and has many educational resources and benefits for students. -
Chromebooks are piloted in classrooms
The pilot program for Chromebooks in Classrooms is launched in a handful of schools.
Chromebook 10th Birthday -
Augmented Reality in Education
Augmented reality helps learners grasp abstract concepts through creating an interactive "virtual" overlay over real objects and places. One exciting feature of this tech is its ability to make experiential learning more accessible. Citation available on personal timeline -
2011- CANVAS
The company, Instructure, launched CANVAS. This Learning Management System is utilized by school districts and universities across the world. -
Class Dojo
Technology-based classroom tool that was designed to help teachers improve classroom behavior and share information on student behavior with parents and administrators. -
2012 -iPads in the classroom
In the United States, 1.5 million iPads are used in classrooms -
MOOCs are born
Large platforms of instruction named MOOCs were developed and available for any learner who had access to the internet. They emphasize self-regulation of most aspects of the learning process as well as open availability.
McAuley, A., Stewart, B., Siemens, G., & Cormier, D. (2010). The MOOC model for digital practice. University of Prince Edward Island. -
Learning Analytics and Big Data
Per the Society for Learning Analytics research; Learning Analytics is the is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimising learning and the environments in which it occurs which can be found here: https://www.solaresearch.org/about/what-is-learning-analytics/. Reference:
Tsai, Y. S. (2021). What is Learning Analytics?. Soc. Learn. Anal. Res. -
2013- Zoom
The communication platform known as Zoom was released to the public. Zoom would eventually become one of the main platforms used to teach students during the COVID-19 pandemic. -
Kahoot! is a learning platform offering free and paid plans to create, share, and host learning sessions designed to be hosted anywhere in more than 17 different languages. Today, Kahoot! is used globally by more than 8 million teachers in more than 200 countries and regions! -
2014 - Google Classroom
An easy to navigate learning management system utilized by many school districts.
GoogleClassroom -
Learning Analytics
In 2014, learning analytics evolve from data mining to support and utilize the large amount of data generated from eLearning platforms. Learning analytics is used to identify relevant data that can be used to improve teaching and learning. -
Released in the summer of 2014, Catchbox was designed to create an immersive learning experience to ensure that every voice, both teachers and students, be heard in various educational settings for a collaborative experience. -
The Return of AI
Interest in AI waned as the focus shifted to web and related technologies, but it has made a comeback in the last five years. The key change during this period is the increased computational power, which allows AI to handle more complexity by accommodating multiple possibilities and probabilities. This reflects a common theme in educational technology where there's a sense of both continuity and transformation.
20 Years of Ed Tech -
2017- ISTE Standards for Educators
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) created standards for incorporating technology in the classroom. The first version of these standards released in 2000 and were known as National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T). The most current version created in 2017 are called ISTE Standards for Educators. -
3d Printing in Education
3D Printing becomes more available in education. This technology allows for experiential and hands-in learning and enhances learners' ability to create and design. Citation available in personal timeline -
2020 - COVID19 Pandemic
2020 - COVID-19 Pandemic forces schools to go to online format, teachers and students must learn new technologies -
B.E.S.T Standards
Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking (B.E.S.T.) Standards, a new system for measuring student development. -
2021- Colegia
With Digital Education apps on the rise due to Covid-19, Colegia made an application where you have a flexible and protected platform that centralizes educational apps, content, and communication tools. It enables educational institutions to foster connections within their learning communities, providing a carefully curated marketplace and a complementary set of educational applications. -
The creation of ChatGPT
ChatGPT, one of the most famous AI chatbots, launched in November of 2022.
A Short History of ChatGPT -
Reading Wars
Sold a Story was an explosive deep-dive podcast highlighting the detrimental impact on millions of American children who struggled to learn how to read when schools failed to use evidence-based reading strategies aligned to the science of reading. -
2023 - Low- and No-Code Technologies
Decreased need for coding background for creating digital content leading to create digital content and less focus on coding.
EduCauseHorizonReport -
Digital Citizenship
Growing a community of digitally fluent citizens who practice safe, responsible and thoughtful online behaviors.