History of educational software

By walfer
  • 1950s-1960s: Early Beginnings

    1950s-1960s: Early Beginnings
    During this period, early educational software was rudimentary, with the use of computers in education just beginning.
  • 1950s-1960s: Early Beginnings

    1950s-1960s: Early Beginnings
    During this period, early educational software was rudimentary, with the use of computers in education just beginning.
  • 1970s: Advent of Personal Computers

    1970s: Advent of Personal Computers
    The 1970s marked the introduction of personal computers. Apple II was released in 1977, and the Commodore PET in 1977-1978.
  • 1970s: Advent of Personal Computers

    1970s: Advent of Personal Computers
    The 1970s marked the introduction of personal computers. Apple II was released in 1977, and the Commodore PET in 1977-1978.
  • 1980s: Rise of Educational Software Industry

    1980s: Rise of Educational Software Industry
    The 1980s saw the rise of the educational software industry. MECC released "The Oregon Trail" in 1985.
  • 1980s: Rise of Educational Software Industry

    1980s: Rise of Educational Software Industry
    The 1980s saw the rise of the educational software industry. MECC released "The Oregon Trail" in 1985.
  • 1990s: Multimedia Integration

    1990s: Multimedia Integration
    CD-ROMs became popular for educational software in the early 1990s. "Encarta" was launched in 1993.
  • 1990s: Multimedia Integration

    1990s: Multimedia Integration
    CD-ROMs became popular for educational software in the early 1990s. "Encarta" was launched in 1993.
  • 2000s: Internet and Online Learning

    2000s: Internet and Online Learning
    Online learning platforms and Learning Management Systems (LMS) gained momentum in the early to mid-2000s. The concept of MOOCs emerged around 2008-2012.
  • 2000s: Internet and Online Learning

    2000s: Internet and Online Learning
    Online learning platforms and Learning Management Systems (LMS) gained momentum in the early to mid-2000s. The concept of MOOCs emerged around 2008-2012.
  • 2010s: Mobile Learning and Gamification

    2010s: Mobile Learning and Gamification
    The proliferation of educational apps for mobile devices became prominent around the early 2010s. Gamification gained popularity during this decade.
  • Present and Future: Adaptive Learning and AI

    Present and Future: Adaptive Learning and AI
    Adaptive learning platforms and the integration of AI in education have been ongoing trends since the mid-2010s.