History of Education Timeline

By mackoc
  • Harvard is founded

    Harvard is founded
    Harvard is founded in Newtowne, Massachusetts. Harvard is the first higher education school established with the United States.
  • Bill of Rights Signed

    Bill of Rights Signed
    The Bill of Rights is signed into law. There wasn't any work of education in the document. However, the document stated that any power not delegated to the federal government is to be decided by the states. Meaning that each individual state decided the education laws.
  • The First Attendance Laws are Passed

    The First Attendance Laws are Passed
    The first attendance laws are passed in Massachusetts. The law required that children between the ages of eight to fourteen must attend at least three months of school. Parents who did not send there children to school had to pay a $20 fine.
  • Department of Education is Formed

    Department of Education is Formed
    The department of education is established with the government. They took information on school and teaching to try and create a better way of teaching. They are still working today with the same mission to help establish better schools. https://www2.ed.gov/about/overview/fed/role.html
  • Plessy Vs. Fergusson

    Plessy Vs. Fergusson
    Plessy Vs. Fergusson is a court case about a african american child not being able to go to school. The case went to the supreme court and it was decided that there would be a "separate but equal" meaning that african americans can't go to school with whites, but there schools have to be as good as the white schools.
  • Supreme Court's Decision on Brown vs. Board of Education

    Supreme Court's Decision on Brown vs. Board of Education
    The decision ruled that the "Separate but Equal" rule was unconstitutional. It was the first step of getting rid of segregation within the education system.
  • African American Students Integrate into Clinton High School

    African American Students Integrate into Clinton High School
    The Clinton twelve were one of the first groups to integrate into an all white high school. They were the first students to desegregate a state run high school and they had the first african american graduate from an integrated school.
  • ESEA is Created

    ESEA is Created
    The ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) is created to help students in low-income families by providing federal funds. This initiated programs such as Title 1 and bilingual education.
  • The Smart Board is Introduced

    The Smart Board is Introduced
    The Smart board is classified as a large display screen. It enhanced learning by being interactive, with students able to write on the board as well as it being touch screen.
  • No Child Left Behind Act Passed Into Law

    No Child Left Behind Act Passed Into Law
    The law was passed to reauthorizes the ESEA of 1965. The law mandates student testing, holds schools accountable for student achievement levels, and provides penalties for schools that don't make enough progress.