History of Education Timeline

  • Secondary Grammar Schools

    At this time not everyone got an educaiton. This was one of the institutions that was made for the few who got an education. It was only for the wealthy because educaiton came at a high price. It was there to help prepare them for university studies.
  • Massachusetts Law of 1642

    This law made it so the states werer responsible for education. It was before the seperation between religion and education so most of the education was religion based. There were many rules and most of the education came from the bible.
  • Period: to

    Colonial Period

  • Common Schools

    Common Schools
    IMPORTANT MOMENT: These schools were created as a way for everyone to get an education. Horrace Mann help organize this to create good schools with better teachers that both poor and rich kids could attend. Everyone pretty much had the same values so things weren't too diverse.
  • The Impact of Horace Mann

    He became in charge of the Board of Education and went from district to district to observe and see the conditions of all the schools and created the standard ways of schools. He created common schools to give each student an equal chance at life and make it so people would want to go to school. He is known as the Father of American educaiton.
  • The Northwest Ordinace

    This was the first federal involvment in funding for education. There was land in the Northwest that was being sold and the money would go towards educational purposes. There was a lot of encouragement about education from the government after the war, and this ordinance was a result. It helped people come to gether and the government come together in the name of education.
  • Impact of Jefferson, Rush and Webster

    Impact of Jefferson, Rush and Webster
    http://dailysignal.com/2013/04/14/18th-century-advice-thomas-jefferson-on-education-reform/MOST IMPORTANT: Webster was a teacher and wanted to get rid of british textbooks and teach national history. Jefferson was the one that emphasized the importance of everyone having an education so a democracy could run properly. He passed a law that required three years of education for everyone. These men were important becaues if they didn't have such strong passion for education we would not have as many education people in our nation and we wouldn't have a fully functioning democracy.
  • Period: to

    Revolutionary War through the early 1900's

  • Population and Immigration Growth

    Many people were moving west but they were so spread out and uneducated. Soon people traveled far for public education. There were also many immigrants so the people were more diverse and had different valuse and backgrounds.
  • Period: to

    Early 20th Century

  • The Progressive Reform Movement

    The Progressive Reform Movement
    http://www.gilderlehrman.org/history-by-era/politics-reform/resources/reform-movements-progressive-eraMOST IMPORTANT MOMENT: Progressive reformers banned child labor and improved the conditions of schools. They wanted school to be more “lifelike”. They had seven principles they used as guidelines. The guidelines were there to make sure children were developing properly and getting a better education that would hlep the children.
  • Impact of John Dewey

    He made a curriculum that kept students moving. They had activities and also moved from classroom to classroom. He wanted to keep kids interested and excited about education. Work, study, play. He said education should be to help them be able to help society and school should focuse not only on the intellect but the social, emotional and physical.
  • The Gary Plan

    It is designed to incorporate all persons to use their talent and learn to work no matter who you are. Also incorporated manners and accommodated to all communities and immigrants.
  • Impact of World War ll

    The baby bomber generation and the schools became responsible to keep the children healthy and safe. There were more children going to school.
  • Period: to

    Later 20th Century

  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    http://www.nps.gov/brvb/index.htmMOST IMPORTANT EVENT: 60 years of legalized segregation needed to end. This ended the separate but equal and allowed black and white children to go to school together. Children were integrated but many black teachers and principles lost jobs and not added to integrated schools. One decade after schools were still not fully integrated.
  • Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act
    http://www.learningtechnics.com/?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=OWC%20Disabilities&utm_campaign=OWC%20Learning%20Disabilities%20&gclid=CJmPqfWohsgCFQeUfgodW84ItwMOST IMPORTANT: This act provided a free and public education to students with disabilities. They required the least restrictive environment and could reach their potential instead of being isolated and hidden in institutions. There was a lot of misunderstandings towards disabled children that needed to change.
  • A Nation at Risk Report

    A nation at risk report made it so there were higher standards for graduation, longer school days and year, also adding computer science and more homework all to avoid mediocrity. There were a lot of students that weren't preforming as well and the Board of Education wanted them to so they enforce a lot of rules. There were also a lot more students from different backgrounds so many teachers say they were doing better but it didn't seem like it because there werwe so many new kinds of students
  • School Choice Movement

    There were specialized schools so the students would be more motivated to do well in school. If you wanted to go to a dance school then you also had to do well in other subjects. Then the public schools started to do better cause they had competition. It made it so you didn't have to go to a certain school but had a choice as to which one you went to.