Brown v. Board of Education
Landmark court case that ruled the "separate but equal" racially segregated schools to be unconstitutional, bringing desegregation into schools. -
National Defense Education Act (NDEA)
After the launch of Sputnik into space, NDEA was passed in the United States. This created a higher focus on science and science education in schools. -
The Higher Education Act is Signed
This act increases federal aid to higher education and provides for scholarships, student loans, and it also established a National Teacher Corp. -
PL 94-142
The Education of All Handicapped Children Act became federal law. This act requires free and appropriate education that is suited to an individual student's needs, offered in the least restrictive setting for all handicapped children. -
PL 105-332
The Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act. This act was passed to attempt to increase the quality of vocational-technical education in the United States. As time has gone on, it has been reauthorized twice, in 1998 and 2006. -
Proposition 227
California passes this law, requiring that all public schools will be taught in English. The law stands against legal challenges and is passed. -
The Common Core State Standards Initiative
This new education act was coordinated by the NGA Center and the Council of Chief State School Officers. Many states adopted this, and not many were in favor. It is still used today. -
Demographic Changes
As the school year began, it was found that minority students in K-12 public schools outnumbered non-Hispanic Caucasians. -
Transgender Bathroom Directive
The federal government tells school districts to allow transgender students to use the restrooms that matches their gender identity. This is not a law, per say, but districts that refused to comply could face lawsuits/lose federal aid. -
Florida Gun Laws
After the Parkland shooting, the Florida governor Rick Scott raised the minimum age to purchase a firearm to 21 and mandated a 3 day waiting period on firearm purchases. This bill also allowed some school personnel to carry guns.