History of Family and Consumer Sciences Education - Paige Nolan

  • Catharine Beecher

    Catharine Beecher
    Catharine Beecher was the founder of modern home economics. She expressed that women should get an education and she envisioned what home economic courses should look like.
  • Home Economics

    In 1899 the name Home Economics was established. Activists soon began the search for teaching of home economics in schools near by and across the country. Home Economics was later changed to a different name.
  • American Home Economics Association

    American Home Economics Association
    Family and Consumer Sciences was once known as home economics. Ellen H. Richards founded the American Home Economics Association in 1909 along with consumer education. American Home Economics Association is now known as Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
  • Smith Hughes Act

    The Smith Hughes Act of 1917 provided schools with federal aid to get FCS, agriculture and industrial arts into the curriculum. Below is a like to a YouTube video that will tell you more about this Act. Smith Hughes Act of 1917
  • Betty Lamp

    Betty Lamp
    In 1926 the Betty Lamp was chosen to symbolize Home Economics Educators. This symbol has stuck even through all the changes you will soon learn about.
  • Future Homemakers of America

    Future Homemakers of America (FHA) is a national student organization that was founded in Chicago, Illinois. Attached is a video showing pictures that describe how FHA has changed over time. History of FHA
  • Family and Consumer Sciences

    Family and Consumer Sciences
    In 1993 Family and Consumer Sciences finally got its name. The name was changed from Home Economics to Family and Consumer Sciences. Since this change the name has remained the same. The name was changed because FCS involves more complex ideas than it used to an Home Economics was no longer a good representation of what was taught/learned. Attached is a video to tell you a little bit more about FCS. Into to FCS
  • American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

    American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
    It was at this time that the American Home Economics Association had finally changed their time to a more up to date title. It is now named the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS). As you can see in the picture the Betty Lamp changed its look but still remained the symbol for FCS.

    The national student organization originally known as Future Homemakers of America (FHA) switched its name to Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). Attached is a link that will take you to the National FCCLA webpage. Here you can read more about FCCLA.
  • FCS Body of Knowledge

    FCS Body of Knowledge
    The FCS Body of Knowledge was established in the year 2000. This is a chart that describes the importance and relevancy of the skills you learn within FCS courses. This link will take you to a webpage where you can learn more about the FCS Body of Knowledge.