First Education Laws: Massachusetts 1642
This made education available, as well as selectmen were present to see if parents/masters were providing education to the children. -
Common Schools
Common Schools provided an equal chance in life. Horace Mann had a huge impact on this. -
Friedrich Froebel
Started the first Kindergarten in 1837, and believed in activity curriculum concerned with creativity. -
The Impact of Horace Mann **
Horace Mann (1796-1859) promoted public schools and campaigned the increase of public support for education as well as their awareness to the problems. Such as unsanitary facilities. He lead to organize the State Board of Education and organize schools in Massachusetts. He also fought for professional training for teachers.
http://study.com/academy/lesson/horace-mann-education-reform-contributions-philosophy-quiz.html -
The Impact of Jefferson, Rush, & Webster**
Jefferson introduced Universal Education with higher levels and this lasted for 3 years.
Webster established the first spelling book in the U.S..
Rush was a doctor and professor who wanted establishment to provide of a system of free schools in Pennsylvania. He founded one of the 1st women academies.
http://faculty.washington.edu/joyann/EDLPS520Aut07/Jefferson_Rush_Webster_part1.pdf -
Population growth and Immigration in the 19th century
City growth and industrialization growth. Workers couldn't afford to educate their children. -
Secondary School Movement
Education beyond elementary school. (It wasn't in huge demand so it grew slowly.) -
Committee of Ten
1892- National Education Association established to standardize the curriculum. (Carnegie unit) -
Fredrick Douglas's Role in Education**
Helped end segregation in schools, and they attended their own school districts.
http://www.civilwar.org/education/history/biographies/frederick-douglass.html?referrer=https://www.google.com/ -
The Impact of John Dewey**
Philospher and father of Progressive Education. Instead of subject-centered curriculum he favored child-centered curriculum. He was influenced by Ella Flagg Young. He wanted school to be a rich experience with many ways of learning, and lots of movement and out of classroom learning.
http://www.biography.com/people/john-dewey-9273497 -
The Gary Plan
The Gary Plan helped to run schools at nights and on weekends to serve all people. Ex: Hygiene and health -
Brown vs. Board of Education**
Desegregation of Public schools. The students can attend their own district, but this led to African American teachers to lose their jobs.
http://www.pbs.org/wnet/supremecourt/rights/landmark_brown.html -
Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act 1965**
IDEA gave education to all. The right for all children with disabilities to free and appropriate education. They have equal citizen ship and capabilities as well. -
The Standards Movement 1980's
President Reagan decided that there we were teaching low standards and that it threatened our future and our nation was at risk. -
No Child Left Behind
Determined the progress in meeting standards of each student and school.
-State tests and AYP