Early Common Schools
Common Schools were publicly supported elementary through secondary schools. Before, there was a belief that free schools were for pauper children, but common schools were made to be open to the public regardless of social class, gender, religion, ethnicity, or country of origin. They are the model for public schools today.
(https://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/1871/Common-School-Movement.html) -
The Homestead Act and its Effect on Education
The Homestead Act gave away free land to adult citizens who had never born arms against the U.S. government (ourdocuments.gov). As a result, families spread throughout the U.S. where schools were not yet set up. So, families came together to build a community school, but they were usually cheaply made. Many teachers and students were often very cold and often got sick. Students often had to share books and slates.
(https://dc.lib.unc.edu/cgi-bin/showfile.exe) -
Carlisle Schools
Carlisle Schools were set up to try to assimilate Native Americans to the United States Culture by cruelly forcing them to learn our ways and language.
(http://carlisleindian.dickinson.edu/) -
Plessy Vs Fergusson
Feminization of Teaching
Prior to the 1850s, teachers were predominately male, but around this time, the roles were reversed because it became more accepted since women typically taught and raised the children in the home anyway. However, it wasn't until about the 1930s when women were not as often discriminated against in teaching. (https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/news-wires-white-papers-and-books/feminization-teaching) -
Brown Vs Board of Education
Supreme Court Case overturning Plessy Vs Fergusson by proving that separate cannot mean equal.
(https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/separate-but-not-equal-video) -
The Space Race
The Soviet Union launched Sputnik which led the United States to believe that they had more power than us, so research began and the United States Education in Science and Math increased tremendously.
(https://history.nasa.gov/sputnik/) -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act was the nation’s national education law and longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students. This gave free lunches to those in need and assisted further with special education. (https://all4ed.org/videos/intro-esea/) -
Title IX
Equal opportunities for participation without discrimination disregarding sex.
(https://www.epa.gov/ocr/title-ix-education-amendments-act-1972) -
No Child Left Behind Act