First Public School
The first public school was established by O.J Goldrick in Auraria. It was a log cabin and it had 13 students at the time. -
Period: to
History of education in Colorado
Union and County High Schools
Two types of high schools were created by law. One was the Union which made highschool optional for schools in their district. The other was County which required all of their districts to attend high school. -
First Elected Colorado State Board of Education
In Novemeber of 1950 the Colorado State Board of Education was elected by the people for the first time. Nettie S. Freed was the head of this board being declared the first Commissioner of Education. -
Boards of Cooperative Services Act
This act helped districts to share resources and share costs. This helped them to be able to afford different programs that schools alone may not be able to get. An example would be a program to help handicapped students. They got a specialized teacher that would travel between districts helping the students. -
Consolidation Act
The general assembly meet to integrate the Consolidation Act into Colorado. This act helped combine the school districts and make them more organized because at the time they were way to many and they were scattered throughout the state. -
Public Schools Finance Act
In 1977 a case was filed agaisnt the state claiming that the lack of school funding was deprived students of an equal educational oppertunity. They did not win the case but, in 1988 the Public Schools Finance Act was created. This act created a guarenteed basic funding for all districts. It later was revised to add in additional funding for all at risk students. -
School District Organization Act
This act was designed to help school districts organize school boards, school administrators, and planning committees. Its ultimate goal was to better establish boundries of the school districts, help make the benefits equally spread throughout the state, and improve overall the public school system. -
First Charter School
In 1993 Colorado enacted the Charter Law which allowed charter schools into Colorado. The first one was built in Castle Rock and soon others followed after. Although, they were initially welcomed with open arms, the public quickly turned and they went against charter schools with full force. Due to the persistent leaders of the schools, who fought back on the legislation against them, their schools now thrive throughout Colorado. -
The CAP4K (Colorado Achievement Plan for Kids) was passed in 2008 which restructures the state's education system. For example, it changes the way diplomas are, the cirriculum for preschool readiness plans, and updated standards and testing. Its goal was to allign the learning standards of preschool through secondary education to help kids benefit more from their learning experience. -
In 2012 the Transitional Colorado Assessment Program (TCAP) was installed. This was put in to show the changes in the States academic content standards as well as help show the teachers how the students were doing as they incorperated these new standards in. This testing later on changed to PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers).