No formal Education for slaves; only religious instruction via sunday school and night school -
Formal Schooling
Some islands had slave schools (Trinidad, British Guiana) and Grammar schools for less wealthy white boys (Barbados) -
Emancipation Era
British Government funds Negro Education Grant in ex-slave colonies. Formal education for all. -
Education Acts introduced
Education acts are passed to maintain religious instruction ( committees, boards, etc.) -
Elementary Education
Denominational and secular schools available. ( Jamaica) -
Training Colleges
Bishop George Westerby established the Spring Gardens Teacher Training College in Antigua. Coutnries that benefited included Montserrat, Dominica, St Kitts and Nevis and Anguilla. -
Payment by Result System
Introduced first in Barbados to assist in financing of schools. (Jamaica)
Pupil-teacher system was an outcome of this system -
Commissions established
Establishment of commissions to examine spending on education and effectiveness of Payment By Results system. -
Education Bill
The elementary education bill abolished in Jamaica and fees introduced in form of Education Tax -
Board of Education
Establishment of first Board of Education in Jamaica -
British funded Agricultural Programmes
British Government finances Agricultural Instruction Programmes -
Govenrment established colleges
Government run training colleges established in Trinidad and British Guiana.