Flag of argentina (bordered)

History of Education in Argentina

  • Laying the foundations

    Laying the foundations
    The first Law of Education was passed, laying the foundations of education. This law dictated public compulsory, free and secular education. The main objective of the law was to forge a national identity (massive migration) and to create an order within society which allowed progress. There was a necessity to homogenize the population.
  • Coup d'etat

    Coup d'etat
  • Back to Democracy

    Back to Democracy
    J. D. Peron won the elections and assumed the presidency (Labour)
  • Changes to the Constitution

    Changes to the Constitution
    President Peron proposes a reform of the Constitution. These changes included a bill of social rights, better conditions for the working class and the right to education. The main points in the reform to education mentioned the familiy as the entity responsible for it, but also mentioned the state and the social institutions as facilitators in the duty of educating society.
  • Coup d'etat

    Coup d'etat
    Peron was overthrown
  • Back to Democracy

    Back to Democracy
    As a consequence of the political changes of the times (transition from dictatorship to democracy), changes in education were focused on the growth of the economy. The emphasis was on technology.
  • New Ideas in the 60's

    New Ideas in the 60's
    New ideas based on Montessori's view of the child: children have their own logic at each stage of development, along with certain natural tendencies in behaviour and activities (individual differences). The focus of education moved from cognitive contents to pegagogic methods. Traditional pedagogy was overshadowed by these inspiring ideas of progressive development.
  • Coup d'etat

    Coup d'etat
  • Back to Democracy

    Back to Democracy
  • Coup d'etat

    Coup d'etat
  • Reform in Education

    Reform in Education
    This reform was based on the concept of "technocracy" (a government or social system that is controlled or influenced by experts in science or technology, instead of politicians or business people). The most relevant ideas of this reform included the training for meeting the demands of the market. However, this reform was considered elitist and it was not accepted by teachers. This reform lapsed two years later.
  • Back to democracy

    Back to democracy
    Peron is elected president for the second time. He died two years later.
  • Coup d'etat (Human Rights Violations)

    Coup d'etat (Human Rights Violations)
    These were the darkest times in Argentine history. Education was strongly affected by the severe measures the military applied. These measures included:
    -ideological control
    -acceptance of the rules dictated by the goverment
    -control over certain subjects such as Citizen education or History
    -control over the bibliography.
    Education was mainly based on social order and discipline.
  • I was born

    I was born
  • Transition to democracy

    Transition to democracy
    After the military dictatorship, the government had to be reorganised and the departments of justice and education came under the same administration, having the former more priority due to the past events (violation of human rights, crime, corruption,etc).
  • End of entry examinations to secondary school

    End of entry examinations to secondary school
    This event marked the beginning of a series of policies that made education more accessible for everyone. This examination meant a barrier for many students who , after primary school,decided not to continue their studies.
  • Aphabetisation Law

    Aphabetisation Law
    Its purpose was to erradicate illiteracy and to complete the education of those who were already included within the education system.
  • I started pre-school

  • Inclusion of MFL to the curriculum

    Inclusion of MFL to the curriculum
    Teaching at least one modern foreign language became compulsory in secondary school.
  • The 90's

    The 90's
    During the 1990's, with the implementation of neoliberal policies, marked mainly by the privatization of state-controlled companies, the country suffered from a sound crisis in which society started a process of segmentation and the gap between classes became more significant. There was an increasing tendency for private education among the mid and higher classes. This way, the basic pillars of education (free and equal) could not be guaranteed.
  • I started primary school

    My parents decided to send me to a private school.
  • Federal Law of Education

    Federal Law of Education
    Before the creation of this law, the national government financed all state-controlled schools in the country. After the law was enforced, there was a process of decentralisation and each province had to finance their own schools; this led to a financial collapse in the poorer regions. This brought about two negative consequences: thousands of school desertions and social segmentation.
    However, the purpose of this law was to produce deep changes in the education system.
  • I started secondary school

    I attended the same private school.
  • I started university

    I started university
    I decided to continue my higher education in a private university.
  • National Law of Education

    National Law of Education
    This new law included the following points:
    *compulsory education between the ages of 5 and 17 (pre-school, primary and secondary)
    *sex education (family planning, STIs, etc)
    *health education (prevention of addictions, personal hygiene, etc)
    *inclusion policies (diversity of cultures, religion, etc)
    *coordination of policies of education, science and technology with policies of culture, health, work, sports and media.
    *eight different kinds of education (three final years of secondary school).