
History of Education

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    Common Schools

    A Common School is a public school in the United States, originally for those that were close by. Puritans infused religion based curriculum.
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    Education in the Colonial Period

    Children were prepared to take the roles of plantation life. The three most commonly used book used in education were primer, horn books, and the bible.
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    Progressive Reform Movement

    John Dewy help boost American schools from an idea to a regular norm.
  • Hoarce Mann

    Hoarce Mann
    Known as the father of Common School. Mann was the secretary on the Board of Education, he used his position and started a major educational reform. This is Important because he wanted to make schools better. He believed that school was essential to good citizenship, so he worked hard on making it the best it could be. Link text
  • John Dewey

    John Dewey
    Dewey believed that learning can be integrated with experience. He thought that what students learned should be what they do outside of school. This is Important because this is what shaped school for what it is. School is there to learn basic academic skills and knowledge. It does help us gain the skills needed outside of school, however, also give us a variety skills not just specific ones associated to work. Link text
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    Population Growth and Immigration in the 19th century

    Cities in the United States grew because of immigration.
  • Committee of Ten

    A group of educators that standardized high school curriculum.
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    School Choice Movement

    A wide variety of programs offered to students and families instead of public schools. Examples: Charter Schools, and Private Schools.
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    Secondary School Movement

    Both men and women receive an increase in knowledge by going from primary to secondary school. knowledge and skill earned in high school led to women working outside the home.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    A Supreme Court decision that stated that separate public schools for black and white people are unconstitutional. This is important because this is the start of an integration, Which was huge for the Civil Rights movement. Link text
  • Elementary and Secondary Act

    Funds primary and secondary education, and allows students with fair opportunities to receive an exceptional education.
  • Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act

    A law to ensure services to children with disabilities throughout the nation.
  • The Civil Rights Movement and War on Poverty

    The Civil Rights Movement and War on Poverty
    President Kennedy wanted to start a program to address hunger, employment, and skills training. After the JFK assassination Johnson took office and made a declaration of an "unconditional war on poverty and in America." Although discrimination and poverty are still major barres at large in American, this is huge because it was a push for African Americans to become more equal. Link text
  • Standards Movement

    Standards Movement
    A reform for curriculum to have clear standards for all school students. This is important because it allows for teachers to know what the their students need to learn based on their grade level. Link text
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    An update to the Elementary and Secondary act, it makes sure that disadvantaged children have the opportunity to go to school. It requires states to develop assessments in basic skills in order to receive funding.