Old school

History of Education

By adnash
  • Universal Public Schooling

    Universal Public Schooling
    Horace Mann led the way in establishing Universal Public Schools open to all students, rich and poor alike, that are publicly supported and publicly controlled. Mann was instrumental in promoting educational opportunities to ALL students, educated the public to support public schools and provided educational training to teachers. He laid the framework for public education.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    Paved the way for integration of African Americans into public schools and deemed the segregation of schools by race unconstitutional. The integration of racially mixed students allows for equalized educational resources and improved academic outcomes for all.
  • Elementary & Secondary Education Act

    Elementary & Secondary Education Act
    This act was the precursor to No Child Left Behind and is one of the most important acts to fund education programs until the time of NCLB. Under the ESEA Headstart was created, giving disadvantaged students the cognitive and social skills needed for success in school and Title I was created to help fund low-income schools. Headstart has shown to increase school readiness.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
    The implementation of IDEA gives children with disabilities free appropriate public education and ensures special education and services to children in need, including early intervention. Children and families work with a multidisciplinary team, individualized educational programs for the child are developed, and there is integration into the classroom to provide the best academic and social outcome for children with special needs.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    NCLB provides equal educational opportunities for disadvantaged students and holds states, districts and schools responsible for academic progress demonstrated through standardized testing and data reporting. NCLB plays a significant role in closing the achievement gap between poorer, disadvantaged students and minorities compared to more advantaged students.