Education in the Colonial Period
Colonial SchoolsOnly larger towns were required to build schools. Eucation elsewhere was not required or public. Schools were linked to protestent bible. Children were taught to fear God. The New England primer was the most common text book. Students were taugth to maintain the status quo. -
Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson wanted 3 years of education for everyone, and advance a select few. Jefferson encouraged education so that people could understand politics. Jefferson didn't allow slaves to have an education. Jefferson's idea of education was percieved as radical. He believed that public education was the key to democracy. -
Horace Mann
Visited over 1000 schools over 6 years. He wrote detailed information about each one. He found that the text books were inadequate and teachers had no training. He wanted to change public education so that all children could attend, so he made it free and raised the standards. -
Common Schools
Common Schools Horace Mann was a promoter for common schools because he was on secretary for the board of education. They would teach students common curriculum. This would provide students with an equal opprotunity to succeed in life. It was a free school system. It was made so that poor children could attend as well as wanting rich students to attend because of higher standards. -
Fredrick Douglas
Lead African Americans to fight for education. He recuited 90 African Americans to fight for education. They signed a protest to end segregated schools. He was the beginning of the African Americans wanting a change in schools. -
Sarah Roberts
Sarah's dad wanted her to attend a better school that was closer to home. His daughter was kick out, and rejected from the schools. He went to court to dispute the case but lost. The roberts were known as the dreamers of what education could be for the African Americans. -
Catharine Beecher- Women in Education
Catharine Beecher taught that teaching was a women's moral calling. She founded colleges for women so that they could teach out west. Women started to care about their students. Children of the west had their own text books. -
Progessive Reform Movement
Progressive Reform MovementThis band the child labor. It made students go to school instead of work. John Dewey is known as the father of the movement. The movement believed that if schools were anchored in the child teaching would be better. Children learned by doing. Teaching them involved the childrens emotional, physical, mental and social development. The start of field trips. -
Immigrants in school
ImmigrationImmigrants didn't like how there was just one religion in the school. They didn't want their child to study the protestent bible in class. Parents started to demand that the government provide funds for their own religous school that their child could attend. There were many riots. 13 people died in the Philidelphia riots. The government started to integrate their cultures into the classroom. -
The Gary Plan
This took place in Gary Indiana. Immigrants came to indiana for jobs. The students had a split shift system. They would go to different classes about different subjects. The movement was to teach the students to Work, study, and play. -
Impact of the civil rights movement
30,000 African American school teachers were displaced. The federal government sent in troops to inforce desegregation. The African American students didn't necessarily like being with the white students because they didn't feel wanted there. States didn't inforce the desegragation so many schools stayed segregated. -
Brown vs. Board of Education
Took place in Topeka Kansas. Classes were not segregated but extra curricular activities were. There were different student governments, proms, etc. There were 18 elementary schools for white children compared to the 4 for african americans. Supreme court ruled that education was a right that is available to everyone on equal terms. No more segregation. -
LBJ's Legacy
LBJ while president played a major role on desegregation of schools. He believed that an equal chance at education provides and equal chance at life. He started programs that helped students succeed. He made it so that if schools didn't desegregate that they would lose federal funding. -
Standards Movement
Standards MovementThis was caused by Ronald Reagan. The schools were preforming well in the main subjects. The down side was that there were no progress of the students. The standards movement caused the schools to compete and rise to the challenge. This brought on competitive standardized testing in schools. Also the teachers started to be tested to make sure that they were quilified and teaching the correct material while pushing their students. -
This is the No Child Left Behind Act. This made schools have to meet a yearly progress average for students. It places a lot of responsibility on the teachers to make sure the students are staying are keeping up. This makes sure that the teachers are highly qualified in each subject taught.