History of Education

  • First Public School Opens

    First Public School Opens
    The very first public school to open in the United States was called the Boston Latin School. Today, it is known as the nation's oldest public school.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Through this event, segregation was no longer to be had in public schools. The court case and segregation were ruled unconstitutional with a unanimous vote.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    This act ended all segregation from all public schools. It would also help fight against any discrimination of race, color, religion, and national ethnicity.
  • Congress passes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Congress passes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    Overall, this act provided an equal representation and availability to high-quality education. It also helps distribute fundings evenly to the school districts with a large percentage of the student body coming from low-income families.
  • PARC v. Pennsylvania

    PARC v. Pennsylvania
    The Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) fought for all students with disabilities who were getting denied access to public schools. Luckily, the Pennsylvania laws were seen as unconstitutional and students with these disabilities were given the chance for free public education.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Title IX protects everyone from the discrimination they may face due to their sex. Sex, no matter what, is protected and will not be subject to disapproval in any aspect of education.
  • Congress passes the Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Congress passes the Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    Through this particular act, a disabled student is allowed to receive one free meal per day and have a free appropriate public education. Later on, this act was changed to the "Individuals with Disabilities Education Act" or "IDEA".
  • ADA Law

    ADA Law
    ADA stands for "Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990". This act was the first direction taken towards all citizens living with disabilities who have needs. As a result, the ADA protects all individuals with disabilities from daily areas of their lives such as schooling, transportation, and all public areas.
  • Congress passes No Child Left Behind Act

    Congress passes No Child Left Behind Act
    Through this law, the states test students based on a few different aspects of education such as reading and math. However, the overall goal of the NCLB act was to get rid of any development gaps that may be occurring between students. This would help ensure equal education to all students. This has since been changed to the "ESSA" or "Every Student Succeeds Act".
  • Common Core Standards Launched

    Common Core Standards Launched
    Common Core Standards are the expected achievements for all students from kindergarten through senior graduation in high school. These standards are very controversial.