Massachusetts passes a law
The state of Massachusetts passes a law that was requiring towns of more than 500 families to have public high schools that was open to all students and to be taught to read and right -
Thomas Jefferson
He was an advocate of public education levels. He believed that education was the key to making the newly formed democracy a success. He wanted to make that elementary schools available without cost. He played a role in establishing the current American Education System for all children to have. -
Horace Mann
Horace Mann invented school and what is today's modern school system. He was born in 1796 in Massachusetts and he became the secretary of Education. Where he organized a curriculum of knowledge for each student. -
the first department of education was created
It was established in 1867 under the department of education act. It was signed into the law by Andrew johnson who was the president of the United States. it only existed for one year and it was renamed Office of Education -
Howard University in Washington D.C.
Howard University was established in Washington to provide education for African Americans and also was early financial support was provided by the Freedmen's Bureau. It was chartered in 1867 as an institution for the higher education for african americans -
Brown vs Board of Education
It was a landmark that was a hard decision of the U.S. It was a case that came to be where the blacks and whites were not segregated in public schools.https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/brown-v-board-of-education-of-topeka -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
It mainly means "No Child left Behind" called the NCLB. The purpose of this was to let every child have the same opportunity to have an education. It helped fund schools with textbooks and school districts with a higher percentage of students from low income families. It was developed as a tool in the war of poverty. -
No Child Left Behind Act
The importance of it was to increase accountability, more choice of schools for parents and provide money for extra educational assistance for poorer children in return for them to get better grades and than everyone else and show their progress It is still a law that took the name of Every Student Succeeds Act. It was signed into a law by president George W. Bush. -
Getting Connected
All American schools have access to the internet, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. That way students were able to do homework at home and out of school hours. -
The Race to the top
The purpose was to usher in a significant change in our education system for example raising standards and policies and structures to a goal of going to college and a career readiness. A challenge was a program to improve the quality of early learning and development and to close the gap of children with higher needs.