Massachusetts Law 1642
Massachusetts Law
This law made it so parents and masters were in charge or making sure children and apprentices were educated. This was put into effect by a town selectman. This was the first official step in the colonies to make sure that education was a major part in the colonies and ultimately, the country. -
Education Law of 1647
Date Approximate This law required the towns of 50 families hire a schoolmaster and families of 100 or more families to hire a grammar school master so that the children could be prepared for Harvard College. This law is important because it is the start of districts in the country. -
John Adams Drafts Massachusetts Constitution
<ahref='http://www.massmoments.org/moment.cfm?mid=113' > John Adams and Constitution</a> John Adams revises the Massachusetts Constitution to add free education to all. This is crucial and on the most most important changes to education because to this day, we still have free education for children K - 12. -
Creation of Common Schools
Common School Movement
Approximate Date
Most Important!
Horace Mann made extraordinary pushes towards free education because he believed that the basis for raising a well-rounded society was education. He said education is an "absolute right of every human being that comes into the world." -
Horace Mann becomes Secretary of Massachusetts State Board of Education
Horace MannSpecific Date Unknown
Horace Mann becomes the Secretary of the Massachusetts State Board of Education. This is important to the history of education because he was an advocate for educating America's children. He worked tirelessly to have better training for teachers as well. -
Department of Education Formed
Department of Education
The Department of Education was formed to help establish effective school systems. This is an important event because this is still in effect today. Even though many changes have occured over the 148 years it has been around, the purpose is the same. This is definitely one of the most important events in Education. -
Period: to
Dewey & Progressive Education
This era was so important to education because it brought up the idea that education is more than helping students acquire skills, but rather to help them realize the potential they have and to use the skills they are given for the greater good. -
American High Schools
Originally starting to change in 1880, with the rising growth of students going to the College Preparatory schools, the American high school became part of the common school system. This is important today because students now are preparing themselves for college; just like students back then. We still use high schools today. -
WWII Effects on Education
With the end of WWII and the increase in children, called the "Baby Boomers." Many Educational programs were started like, HeadStart, Subsidized school lunches and Title One. All of these were put into effect by Johnson to help end poverty. This is important to know where it came from because we still have these in effect today. -
Brown vs. Board of Education
This case is most important to education because it shows how the Supreme Court played a role in education today. This case was, at first, five cases in different states and the supreme court combined them into one case. The ruling was that racial segregation in public schools was in direct violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the fourteenth amendment. Because of this decision, it started the desegregation movement in schools. We still live by this ruling. Date approximate -
Sputnik & National Defense Education Act
NDEA On October 4, 1957, the world of education in the United States started to change durastically with the knowledge that Russia had launched a satellite into space before the U.S. Because of this the U.S. created the NDEA, which provides funds to the states for improving the studies of math, science and foreign languages. This is important because federal funding still hapens today. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
ESEA This Act is important because it provides grants, funding and scholarships to low-income students and school with low-income students. It also provided funding to help elementary and secondary schools to improve the quality of education. This is important because we see funding coming to schools for these same reasons today. Approximate Date -
Individuals with Disabilities Act
Originally passed in 1975, this act has been revised and added to many times. This act helps to provide an appropriate and free education, just like other children. This act is so crucial to education today because more and more children are experiencing different disabilities and we need to make sure we cater to those children as well. Approximate Date -
A Nation at Risk
Nation at Risk
This was an 18 month study that found that the secondary education curriculum did not have anything that was unifying the studies. This found that a lot of Americans were functioning at a level that the government found an illiterate level. Changes were put in place to help keep America at the "cutting edge" of knowledge. This is important because this is a goal we are always striving for. Approximate Date -
No Child Left Behind Act
This act was put in place to ensure that states are meeting their education goals. This is measured by yearly testing, schools receiving grades and funding based off of those grades. This is most important because it has affected how teachers instruct in the classroom. Approximate Date