Period: to
Colonial Period
A paddle used in the colonial period, with paper pinned to the front and back. Most commonly on the hornbook was the alphabet and then bible verses on the other side. -
First Virginia school
Founded in 1636 the first southern school was founded by Benjamin Symms. This was a private free school on 200 acres with two cows. The other schools followed in 1655,1667,1675, and 1689. -
Founding of Harvard College
In 1936 this was the only college available for boys,This was an upper level school where boys would continue their theological studies. At this time upper level schooling was funded by royal donations, work, land rent, direct taxation, and some tuition. -
Old Deluder Satan Act
Also known as the Massachusetts Act of 1647. This required that parents and masters make sure their children know the basics and priciples of religion. As well as learn the laws of the Commonwealth. -
John Locke
An Influential educator in the colonial period, he was an English philosopher and a Doctor. Locke talked about the theory of the "blank slate" when a child's mind is empty at birth and every bit of information shapes who they are. -
The Academy in Philadelphia
In 1749 The academy in Philadelphia was opened by Benjamin Franklin. The Academy was supposed to teach both classical subjects and the "new" non traditional subjects. This was supposed to make young boys more prepared for the work force. The Academy's name was later changed to the University of Pennsylvania. -
Period: to
Young Nation Period
MuGuffey Readers
Upgrading from the Horn book in the mid 19th century. Each book was for a specific grade level and taught the children a mix of poetry and prose. -
Mount Holyoke College
Opened in 1837 by Mary Lyon (1797-1849) who was a chemist and educator. Mary's goal was to create the same opportunities for women as men had. Mount Holyoke became the model for women's colleges all across America. -
Morril Act of 1862
This was the Land Grant College act of 1862. This grant gave every state 30,000 acres of public land to be used for colleges to be built. The colleges were to be used for enge=engineering, agriculture, and military services. -
the Loomis Chafee School
The Loomis school was started by siblings who were dedicated to founding a school for the children as a gift to their lost children. This school offered both Vocational and College preparatory courses and was not correlated with any religious or political values. This school also admitted both male and female students. This school is still open today as a private boarding school. -
College Board Formed
The college board was formed to create unity in college preparation by administering exams (SAT) to students. This test was to see how well they predicted a student would perform in college. -
Period: to
Progressive Nation Period
Carnegie Unit
The Carnegie Unit is a unit of credit that can be given to students after they complete a full years studies in a subject that had class four or five times a week. -
Re Construction of Education
As factories started searching for more educated workers the nation started changing how our students were taught. John Dewey was a large influence in the every changing stance of government in Education. -
AFT Founded
The American Federation of Teachers was a teachers union like NEA that focused mostly on the labor and treatment of teachers. John Dewey was one of the founding members, and sought to improve teaching conditions, increase wages and also provide benefits for teachers. -
American Education Week
Held every year the week before thanksgiving the American Education week was started in 1921 to raise awareness of the importance of education. -
Period: to
Postwar Period
National Defense Education Act
In 1958 President Dwight Eisenhower signed th NDEA bill that decided to provide federal aid (Thank goodness) to education in the US at all levels. The bill was originally supposed to stimulate the U.S in science and math education but it then gave more students the opportunity to continue their education. -
Church Leaves the School
There was a rising question in Education at the time, Should religion be taught in schools? In 1961 the Supreme court ruled that prayer in school is actually going against the 1st amendment. In 1963 it was ruled that it was unconstitutional to read the bible in school. -
Native American Control of Their Schools
In 1965 Native Americans took control of their own school and taught their children what they believed was the right thing for them to be taught. This was to preserve culture and languages. Today the schools are locally controlled and are operated by the Office of Indian Education -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
The Elementary and Secondary Education act provided Federal guidance and funds to school with large numbers of students who are disadvantaged. This act has been reauthorized every five to seven years. Such as in 2001 No child Left Behind Act. -
Title IX
This was signed into law by President Nixon in 1972. This may be one of the most important education laws we have studied. Title IX protects students from discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities that receive funding from the Government. -
Period: to
Modern Period
A Nation at Risk
This report which passed in 1983 stated that U.S. students wer at risk of falling behind other nations in education (Mostly math and science) -
A Nation Prepared
This report called for a higher expectation of preparation for teachers in the 21st century. This lead to the creation for The National Board for Professional Teaching standards. -
\Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics
This initiative was governed by a commission that focused on taking away the inequalities for Hispanic students. This committee is still working on excelling the experience for Hispanic students. -
IDEA Reauthorization
Thanks to Public Law 94-142 the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was formed in 1990. IDEA is for children 3-21 and is a law stating that children with any sort of disability must be given the same right to education as anybody else. -
Affirmative Action Programs
Affirmative action programs state that all students (No matter their race) have the same amount of access to these universities as any other student. Affirmative action started in the 60's but was revisited in 2012 with a new vision.