History of Education

  • Education Act

    R. A. Butler (Education Minister) steered the education act through parliament in January 1944 following the Board of Education Green Paper of 1941 'Education after the war'
  • School Leaving Age Raised to 15

    School Leaving Age Raised to 15
  • GCE Introduced

    GCE Introduced
  • The Beloe Report

    A report which led to the introduction of the Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) in 1965
  • The Boyle Act

    Allowed the creation of middle schools
  • CSE Introduced

    CSE Introduced
  • The Plowden Report

    Promoted child centred education
  • The James Report

    Teacher Training and Education
  • School Leaving Age Raised to 16

    School Leaving Age Raised to 16
  • Sexual Discrimination Act

    Effected school admissions, appointments and curricula
  • Race Relations Act

  • James Callaghan Speech

  • The Warnock Report

    Major report on provision for children and young people with special needs
  • The Waddell Report

    Recommended a single exam at age 16 to replace the GCE O Level and CSE. (The first GCSE exams were taken in 1988)
  • First Day of Infant School

    Hatherton Lane Infants School
  • GCSE Introduced

    GCSE Replaced CSE and GCE
  • NCVQ Established

    National Council for Vocational Qualifications (NCVQ) established
  • First Day of Junior School

    Hatherton Lane Junior School
  • Education Reformation Act

    Major act establishing the National Curriculum
  • Amalgamation of Hatherton Lane Infants and Junior Schools

    The school becomes Hatherton Lane JMI
  • First Day of Senior School

    Frank F Harrison Community School
  • Department for Education

    the Department of Education and Science was renamed the Department for Education
  • Creation of OfStEd

    Creation of OfStEd (Office for Standards in Education)
  • TTA

    The establishment of TTA (Teacher Training Authority)
  • Department for Education and Employment

    the DFE was renamed the Department for Education and Employment (DfEE)
  • GCSE Exams

    Took my GCSE Exams
  • Started A' Levels

    Started my A' Levels in Maths, Art and Art Textiles
  • Education Act 1997

    Abolished NCVQ and SCAA and replaced them with the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA)
  • A' Level Exams

    Took my A' Level Exams
  • Teaching and Higher Education Act

    Establishment of the General Teaching Council (GTC)
  • Protection of Children Act

    A list is kept of persons considered unsuitable to work with children
  • Special Educational Needs and Disability Act

    Further provision against discrimination on grounds of disability
  • Equality Act

    Establishment the Commission for Equality and Human Rights with implications for schools
  • Education for All

    A final report of the Nuffield Review of 14-19 education and training
  • Started Degree

    Started studying for BSc(Hons) Computing Degree at University of Wolverhampton
  • GCSE English

    Started GCSE English course to get qualification to start on teaching path
  • Completed Degree

    Completed BSc(Hons) Computing Degree with 2.1 Classification
  • English GCSE Exam

    Took GCSE English to gain qualification to start on teaching path
  • Revision of National Curriculujm

    Reforming the national curriculum in England
  • Started PGCE Schools Direct Course

    Started PGCE Schools Direct Course through University of Wolverhampton. Based at ACE Academy.
  • OFSTED Created

    Creation of Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education)