Education in the Colonial Period
Schools were only required in large New England towns. School was not free or public, and it focused on moral education. -
Period: to
History of Education
Noah Webster's Influence
Noah Webster though that American Education needed to be American. He created the Blue Back Speller, with new spellings and pronounciations for American Words. Created American myths. -
Thomas Jefferson's Presidency
Thomas Jefferson Became President. He fought for many years before and after this to pass laws about public education, but they were all disapproved. He believed that public education was the basis of democracy. He thought all citizens should attend school for three years and then those that showed promise would go on to higher education. These reforms and ideas never came to fruition. -
Horace Mann
Horace Mann brought about Jefferson's idea of state run schools. In Massachussettes he was the first Secretary of the Board of Education . He visited 1000 schools and found them all in disrepair. He focused on the buildings that school was held in. He created the idea of the Common School. All of them being free and teaching the same things throughout the state. He was opposed but eventually his ideas were grasped and common schools became a nationwide thing. -
Common Schools
Free public schools so the poorest studetns could attend. Built well so rich students would want to attend. Completely funded by the government through taxes. All of them were standardized and taught the same materials. -
Black Citizen Petition for the End of Segregation
Black citizens in Boston were tired of their children's schools being treated less than the white schools. They petitioned to have the schools in Boston end segregation but nothing was changed. -
Women go to the West to Teach
Harriet Beecher Stowe began schools to train wmone to teach so that they could go out west and teach the settlers' children. -
John Dewey Publishes School in Society
Dewey attacked the way American education was run in his book. He said school shoudl focus more on the students and not the test books. He introduced the idea of learning by doing. -
Immigrants flood into America
Thousands of immigrants come to America looking for better jobs and better education. More children came and worked than went to school though. -
The Schools of Gary Indiana
Wert created schools that were huge and served all grades based on the ideas of progressive education. This was because of the amount of immigrants in the area. These schools required the students to switch classrooms and taught everything from math to automechanics. They were unlike any school before. They had children working and going to school at the same time. -
World War 1
Americanization in schools became very important. English only courses and history classes that focused on American heroes. Patriotism and Christianity were taught in schools. -
More Advanced Schools
Schools were in charge of keeping students safe and preparing them for a more technological future. But the schools were still very segregated and inequal. Women and minority groups were discriminated against. -
Brown vs The Board of Education
Black parents and the NAACP wanted their children to have better facilities and to have more equal access to things that white children had. They wanted to end legalized segregation and the court approved it. But not all schools in the South complied. -
Lyndon B. Johnson becomes President
President Johnson, a former school teacher takes office.
He reformed schools and passed the Civil Rights Act, ending all discrimination in schools with the threat of losing funding. -
IDEA is Passed
A law is passed to stop discrimination against those who are handicapped. -
Nation at Risk Report
President Regan was aopposed to the way public schools were being run. He wanted to implement competition and raise the standards throughout the country. This changed the way education was looked at and brought in many things like computer classes and business classes. -
No Child Left Behind
President Bush passes the No Child Left Behind Act.