1950: Television
With the introduction of the television, people got more exposed to the outside world. It promoted common language and common culture. It was one of the significant causes for greater ambition in people. It encouraged people to be more diverse. National Educational Tv was born in 1954 to broadcast educational programs to people. -
1957: Sputnik
Scientists in the Soviet Union launched SPUTNIK in 1954.It was very clear that the Soviets had better rocket technology than the Americans. Americans thought the SOVIETS were going to “own” outer space. That is why, they started sending their kids to schools to learn Mathematics and Science. The National Defense Education act increased scientific funding for Science and Research, which had a huge impact on the education system. -
1965: ESEA & Higher education Act
The elementary and secondary education act was designed to get more teachers into low- income schools. It emphasized equal access to education for all students.
The higher education act increased aid to higher education. It provided scholarships, student loans, etc. It also increased resources for higher education. -
1982: Mastery Teaching
Madeline C. Hunter’s book, Mastery Teaching was published.Her teaching model became very famous and was widely used throughout the country. She was one of the first to arrange workshop for teachers and her model became very famous. She introduced eight elements that enhanced learning. Within each element, there are sub-elements that demanded lots of practice to be a master of this model. -
1993: The Massachusetts Education Reform act
They started statewide student testing and demanded that all students pass the tenth-grade test in order to receive a diploma. The other states soon followed this act and addressed a common curriculum.