History of Education

  • 1647

    In 1647, the Massachusetts Bay Colony made a decree that towns oof fifty or more people should have an elementary school and that towns with people over 100 should have a latin school. Religious education was at the foundation of this decree.
  • Period: to

    History of Education in America

  • 1779

    Thomas Jefferson proposed a school system that was geared toward having two different educational paths, one for students deemed scholars and one for the potential laymen of country. There were few opportunities for kids in labor paths to get the educational opportunities of the higher class, and the mentality was rudimentary.
  • 1820

    Boston opens the first public high school, Massachusetts is the leader in Public education .
  • 1840

    During the immigration from Ireland due to the potato famine, the Irish community tries to get local school options so that they can preserve their beliefs in their education.
  • 1896

    Plessy v. Ferguson- The Supreme Court ruled that segregation in schools didn't violate the constitution. If the schools offed equal opportunities, it was considered separate but equal.
  • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

    Overruled the law states could have segregated schools, it was found to be unconstitutional
  • Plyler v. Doe

    There was an attempt in Tyler Texas to not allow undocumented workers' children public schooling, without paying a thousand dollars for tuition.