History of Technology in Education

  • Hornbook

    The hornbook was a wooden paddle with school lessons nailed into it. Students would bring it to and from school with the lessons completed. It helped teach the students about reading, math, and religious instruction.
  • Magic Lantern

    The magic lantern was the first known slide projector. It showed large glass slides onto a screen. The video below shows how the magic lantern works and its history.
    - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmjESb1xC08
  • Radio in the Classroom

    Starting in the 1920's, radios were slowing starting to be seen in the classrooms. It sparked a new wave of educational learning and "on-air" classes.
  • Overhead Projector

    Later on in the 1930's, overhead projectors became popular in the classroom. It allowed for teachers to write out their lessons prior to class starting.
  • Language-Lab Headset

    Invented in the 1950's, the language-lab headset allowed for students to listen to prerecorded lessons. This allowed students to get caught up easier if they missed a day or two of class.
  • Scantron Machine

    The machine is designed to allow teachers to quickly grade multiple choice tests, instead of doing it by hand.
  • Plato Computer

    The computer was first used by counselors and administrators and over time, students started using them for learning and word processing. It was the first computer assisted instruction system.
  • Handheld Graphing Calculator

    The calculator allowed for students to complete complex math equations without using pen and paper. The calculator could complete more than one calculation at a time, and then graph it.
  • Interactive Whiteboard

    The board would connect to a computer and allow teachers and students to project images more clearly. It also allowed them to changes the images on the screen with a pen. There was more hands on learning by the students.
  • The Tablet

    The tablet was first introduced into the classroom in 2010. It became the next classroom "staple." It was easy to transport and had good adaptability.