HIstory of Education 1930-1979

  • Overhead Projecter Invented

    Overhead Projecter Invented
    The overhead projector is created which allowed teachers to give presentations for class discussions.
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    How are teachers viewed?

    During the beginning of this time period, teachers were supposed to be more consumed on trying to parent their students, rather than teach subject matter. Most educators predominantly were females. The Great Depression changed the way teachers were paid but after, especially in rural areas, this was no longer a source of income. Educators were how becoming poor. Also, for most women teaching was a temporary position.
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    How are teachers viewed? CONT

    After they got married, many got out of the profession to become a mom and an average house wife. For the ones who stayed teaching, during the civil rights time period, they were now viewed as racist and hateful due to the idea of segregation. When schools were integrated, women became quickly over-ruled. Due to the influx of more male students, women were losing jobs to men and not taken seriously.
  • Alvarez v. the Board of Trustees of the Lemon Grove School District

    Alvarez v. the Board of Trustees of the Lemon Grove School District
    Local court forbids the Lemon Grove School District from placing Mexican-American students in separate classes.
  • New Schools Being Build

    New Schools Being Build
    Works Progress Administration is created, which gives jobs to the unemployed. This caused the construction of many new schools.
  • Ballpoint Pen Patented

    Ballpoint Pen Patented
    George and Laszlo Bird created the ball point pen so students could have something else to write with.
  • Adoption of School Buses

    Adoption of School Buses
    Professors at Columbia University’s Teachers College organized several events that discussed student transportation, which created the idea of school buses.
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    The Great Depression

    Many schools closed during this time which left children without a school to attend. Also, many students quit school by 8th grade to work on farms full-time.
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    World War II

    -Employment and education opportunity increased for women.
    -Budget pulled from schools and put into the war effort instead.
    -Latham Act of 1941 provided aid to school districts that were overburdened with influx of children from families employed in defense.
    -The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 assisted nearly 8 million veterans in a number of areas, including funds to attend schools.
  • Change in Learning

    Change in Learning
    After the attack on Pearl Harbor, many men attending school, quit to enlist. Also, many teachers and faculty were being drafted. This caused a decrease in school resources.
  • G.I. Bill of Rights is Signed

    G.I. Bill of Rights is Signed
    Franklin D. Roosevelt passed the G.I. Bill which provided educational benefits for anyone who had served in the armed forces at this time.
  • Mendez v. Westminster and the California Board of Education

    Mendez v. Westminster and the California Board of Education
    The U.S. distract court in Los Angeles rules that educating children of Mexican descent in separate facilities is unconstitutional, thus prohibiting segregation in Californian schools and setting an important precedent for Brown vs. Board of Education
  • National School Lunch Act Approved

    National School Lunch Act Approved
    Congress passes the National School Lunch Act due to the fact of “the need for a permanent legislative basis for a school lunch program.”
  • Everson v. Board of Education

    Everson v. Board of Education
    A vote that New Jersey las which allowed reimbusrsements of transportation costs to parents of children who rode public transportation to school.
  • McCollum v. Board of Education

    McCollum v. Board of Education
    It was ruled that schools cannot permit time for students to set aside time for religious education.
  • Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1952

    Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1952
    The G.I. Bill was modified for the veterans from the Korean War.
  • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

    Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
    Ruled that “separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.”
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    The Little Rock 9 enroll at Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas.
  • NAtional Defense Education Act

    NAtional Defense Education Act
    This increased funding for scientific research as well as science, mathematics, and foresight language education.
  • Engel v. Vitale

    Engel v. Vitale
    The U.S. Supreme Court rules that prayer violates the First Amendment.
  • School’s Close

    School’s Close
    President JFK is assassinated and schools shut down to mourn.
  • Association for Children with Learning Disabilities is formed.

    Association for Children with Learning Disabilities is formed.
    Samuel A. Kirk discusses learning and perceptual disorders which influences the creation of this association.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    Required schools to take steps to end segregation in any way possible.
  • Higher Education Act is Signed.

    Higher Education Act is Signed.
    It increases federal aid to higher education and provides for scholarships and student loans.
  • National Teachers Corps Created

    National Teachers Corps Created
    The National Teachers Corps was established to improve elementary and secondary teaching.
  • Project Head Start

    Project Head Start
    Project Head Start provides a preschool education for low-income families.
  • Epperson et al. v. Arkansas

    Epperson et al. v. Arkansas
    The United States Supreme Court finds the idea that “prohibiting the teaching of evolution” is unconstitutional.
  • Bilingual Education Act Becomes Law

    Bilingual Education Act Becomes Law
    This act recognized the needs of students that had very little experience with speaking English.
  • Diana v. California State Board

    Diana v. California State Board
    This created new laws that required that children referred for possible special education placement be tested in their primary language.
  • Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children v. Pennsylvania

    Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children v. Pennsylvania
    This was a court ruling that students with mental conditions are entitled to a free public education.
  • Hand-Held Calculators Introduced

    Hand-Held Calculators Introduced
    Texas Instruments introduces the TI-2500 Data Math.
  • Indian Education Act

    Indian Education Act
    This is based of the approach to meeting the needs of American Indian and Alaska Native Students.
  • Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
    This law prohibits discrimination based on sex in all aspects of education and has a emphasis on the participation of women in sports.
  • Gifted and Talented Education Created

    Gifted and Talented Education Created
    This becomes a standard of a child’s intelligence and is still widely accepted in present times
  • Rehabilitation Act Becomes Law

    Rehabilitation Act Becomes Law
    Section 504 of this states that students with disabilities require accommodations in schools and can participate in any activity they choose.
  • Equal Educational Opportunities Act is Passed.

    Equal Educational Opportunities Act is Passed.
    It prohibited all types of discrimination and forces educators to work to overcome these barriers.
  • Education of All Handicapped Children Act Becomes Federal Law

    Education of All Handicapped Children Act Becomes Federal Law
    t requires that a free, appropriate public education, suited to the student's individual needs, and offered in the least restrictive setting be provided for all "handicapped" children.
  • Personal Computers in the Classroom

    Personal Computers in the Classroom
    Apple II is one of the first successful personal computers and became very popular in schools.