History of Education

  • Colonial Period

    Colonial Period
    Teachers could not drink, smoke or get married.Wealthy children got taught more of Latin and Greek. Very religious time.Teachers were required to go to church
  • American Early National Period

    American Early National Period
    Ben Franklin First public library and started the academy and Thomas Jefferson common people should be educated. He established University of Virginia. Teachers expected to be good role models. Horn books were popular.
  • American Common School Period

    American Common School Period
    Free public education, free libraries. Laws you could not teach African Americans. One room schoolhouse. Low salary. Horseman Insurance- you don't have to pay as much. McGuffey's Reader.
    First African American colleges were founded at Howard University in Washington D.C.
  • American Progressive Period

    American Progressive Period
    Women were gaining more rights. Segregation was bad. They still had African American separated at a different school from the whites. African teachers could only teach African Americans schools. American teachers were considered professionals.
    Teachers wanted more freedom. They wanted to improve the pay, status, and working conditions of teachers. Philosopher John Dewey. Maria Montessori method.
  • 1920s and Great Depression Era

    1920s and Great Depression Era
    Stock market crashed which put them in great depression.
    School districts shorten school year because they didn't have enough money to keep the school running. Families had no money for supplies. Children were forced to work. Schools were offering free hot lunches. Teachers worked without pay. FDR started funding for the schools. Dick and Jane books. Taught for basic learning.
  • American Education

    American Education
    Jobs and classrooms were filled by women and African Americans during WW2. Homework increased. “Separate but equal” Getting to be Equal. Photographs and stories of the Holocaust made people more aware of tragic effects of prejudice. Controlling children's experiences.
  • American Education During the 1960s

    American Education During the 1960s
    Act to increase schools. Head start like preschool for low income families. South was still unequal with whites and African Americans. Schools were forced to end segregation. More equality for schools.
    Assassination is going on. Educational freedom. Project head start was designed to help preschool children from low income families. Develop skills needed for school success. To be less likely to develop academic problems later
  • American Education During the 1970s

    American Education During the 1970s
    Neighborhood schools tended to be divided by race. Forced integration. The supreme court granted Bilingual Education to the spanish speaking students. Gender Equity. Cannot be discriminated because of gender. Congress passed the Education for all handicapped children act. Busing is forcing kids to combine to one school and bringing the bus to bring all kids into one school
  • American Education During the 1980s

    American Education During the 1980s
    Nation at Risk - things needed to be changing with education.Back to basics. Emphasis focus is Reading, writing and math
  • American Education During the 1990s

    American Education During the 1990s
    Technology computers. Computer revolution they were essential for learning. Standardized test. Comparing students performance from different schools