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  • Skinner Teaching Machine

    Skinner Teaching Machine
    They were first invented by Sidney L. Pressey in the mid-1920s. His machine originally administered multiple-choice questions. The machine could be set so it moved on only when the student got the right answer. Tests showed that learning had taken place. This was an example of how knowledge of results causes learning.
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    Audiovisional Age

    In the beginning of 1920s technology began to develop, it's first product was radio, film strip projector and after that overhead projector used in the classrooms.
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    Era of CALL

  • Photocopier

    Photocopier is a machine that copy documents or visual images to another paper or films quickly. It was introduced by Chester Carlson. It mostly uses in education and business.
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    Information Age

    Tapes, computers and vcrs were introduced.
  • Color Photocopiers

    Color Photocopiers
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    Structural CALL

    Tutorials were developed for use on mainframe computers to provide learners with drill-based grammar practice for the purpose of accuracy Warschauer (2000).
  • Mobile Assisted Language Learning

    Mobile Assisted Language Learning
    Known as MALL. It is not effective in traditional classrooms. It enables learners to communicate with the language they learn. It ensure a new dynamic.
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    Communicative CALL

    Personal computers were used for communicative exercises for the purpose of accuracy and fluency.
  • CD-ROM Drive

    CD-ROM Drive
    CD-rom was able to save a whole encyclopedia on one disk. One can copy images, sounds, documents in there. Also it can include interactive books. unfortunately now this technology is old-fashioned and some computers even don't have cd-rom
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    It is the Internet. The complete set of electronic documents stored on computers that are connected over the Internet and are made available by the protocol known as HTTP. The World Wide Web makes up a large part of the Internet.
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    Information Age

    Computer usage became more common and digital age started.
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    First on the social media scene was the site SixDegrees.com. It was not educational. Like YouTube for instructional videos. And LinkedIn for professional development, livechat application for real speaking opportunities. Edmodo, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Turnitin for educational purposes. Social media brings great contribution in terms of learning/teaching a language.
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    Interactive Age

    This is the age which we are in. In this age internet become more common, mobile phones introduced to society and after that smart phones. Computer and what computers can done changes over the years. These developments affect education, in the classrooms technology more common than ever. Smartboards, students tablets, online education are examples.
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    Integrative CALL

    Multimedia and the Internet have been used to expose learners to authentic language for the purpose of accuracy, fluency, and agency
  • Web 2.0

    Web 2.0
    It first used by O'Reilly Media. It is developed version of world wide web, and aim to enhance creativity, secure information sharing, increase collaboration, and improve the functionality.
  • Tablets

    After computers and smart phones, tablets came. They have bigger screen than phones and lighter than computers. They became populer in schools because technology became more populer in schools. They are additional sources.
  • Online Education

    Online Education
    With global pandemic, schools have to transfer to online education. Most of the scholls are not ready but they have to. It affect specially learners.