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History of EdTech

By kmert
  • 3200 BCE

    Invention of Writing

    Invention of Writing
    Before writing was invented, there were only oral education which allows individuals to use their brain to memorize everything they hear. With the invention of writing, the education quality went to a better level and individuals were writing down what they hear instead of memorizing in order to look over later. This makes the information that individuals learned permanent.
  • 150

    Invention of Paper

    Invention of Paper
    The invention of paper took writing to an another level which makes it very easy and more comprehendible. Before the invention of paper, people were writing to the tablets or stones and generally to a hard rocks. Individuals were able to carry papers with themselves. This made a different point of view as people were not able to carry tablets, stones since they were very heavy.
  • 1450

    Gutenberg Printing Press

    Gutenberg Printing Press
    According to the Bates, T. (2019), the printing press was a disruptive innovation that made written information much more widely available. With the invention of the printing press, the information could be easily established for other individuals to read, learn and acknowledge.
  • Blackboard

    Blackboards are one of the disruptive tools that education has seen. It made students to learn and remember better as they see what their teachers write and sometimes students stand up and go to the blackboards for writing. As stated by Buzbee, L. (2014), The blackboard is a invention that has been utilized for ages, erasable slates have been used as a low-cost yet long-lasting alternative to expensive paper and ink.
  • Radio

    The bring of radio in education technology is opened the broadcasting era and started to take roles in education. Radio elaborated the area of acquaintance. Moreover, it brought world into the classroom through the means of description, narration and dramatization with the help of original voice and natural sounds.
  • Overhead Projector

    Overhead Projector
    The use of overhead projector in classrooms enabled teacher to transmit their knowledges easily. Writing on sheets and projecting them to the students with an overhead projector makes it simple to foster group conversations. Students can also videotape their tasks and chats in small groups in order to share with the rest of the class. Learners who react to visual learning signals gain the most from such tactics.
  • Television

    The information age started with the use of television in education. Television showed more understandable recordings, images and more decent sounds, voices compared to overhead projectors. This made teachers to use more television in the classroom while educating.
  • Computer

    Computers are utilized to enhance the learning process of an individual at a variety of educational institutions such as schools, colleges, and universities. Audio-visual approaches are used by professors in universities and instructors in schools to construct teaching materials for youngsters.
  • Smart Board

    Smart Board
    The utilization of Smart boards in education allows learners to utilize technology to study and discover different topics, resulting in a more active learning environment. When smart boards are used in the classroom, students become more interested in learning.
  • Document Camera

    Document Camera
    With the use of document camera, teachers can utilize a document camera to record a subject of concern and utilize it for pre-recorded recordings and live presentations. On a learner's phone, a projector, or any computer that displays the picture, document cameras enlarge items and make them easier to view.
  • References