History of ECE Importance

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    Johann Amos Comenius

    Known to create the first children's picture book.
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    John Locke

    Known to have been the founder of modern educational philosophy.
  • First Picture Book

    In 1658, Johann Comenius created the first children's picture book. It originally was to help teachers guide and train them to help the children. He also believed in the aspect of nature. So Comenius is known to have made the first picture book for children, recorded. He has pictures of animals that are drawn into the book and wants children to understand at their own pace.
  • Published Essay

    John Locke writes about how children are born pure and learn from experiences. In a way, the experiences can be school, this shows in history that children who are not born with sin, they learn.
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Known for creating a treaty to say that children are not born with sin and are pure beings.
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    Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

    Pestalozzi creates a book that talks about homeschooling.
  • Pureness of a Child

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau makes a treaty that children have pure and good intentions. That children are not born bad and that each child has a natural goodness to them.
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    Robert Owen

    He is known for setting up a daycare or preschool, like nurseries for people's children.
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    Fredrick Froebel

    He is known to have created the first kindergarten education system for children.
  • Intro to Home Education

    Johann H. Pestlozzi created "How Gertrude Teaches Her Children," a book created to help bring awareness to the aspect of home education or homeschooling now.
  • First Nursery/Preschool

    Robert Owen helps create the first preschool for children to learn. Parents would help take care of the children at the mill where it took place.
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    Social Reforming

    Social reform started in the 19th century. In modern times it includes diverse environments. But during the 19th century, it means to include all students in the learning environment and to make sure they learn effectively. This also means to have different learning styles for children.
  • First Ideas of Kindergarten

    Froebel describes kindergarten education for children as a gift from God and as a children's garden. He likes the idea, so much that he wrote a book called "Education of man."
  • First Kindergarten Education System

    The first kindergarten education took place in Germany and was founded by Fredrick Froebel. He believed that children deserved to learn and grow. He often compared children to plants in a garden, they both need to grow with ease of learning more.
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    Media and Technology

    This shows that media and technology are only growing. Media and technology have been shown in many classes to help learn the material and curriculum each child should know. For example, Chromebooks, iPhones, tablets, iPads, and so much more that impact kids both harmful and beneficial.
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    Rudolf Steiner

    Is the founder of Waldorf Education.
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    Maria Montessori

    She is one of the first people to open a school house in a slum area where she lived close. She did this so each child had an opportunity to an education for growth and learning.
  • First American Kindergarten

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    A.S Neill

    He was known for founding Summerhill School. This helped provide free school movement for children. He published his book "Summerhill," to talk about "free" schooling for children.
  • Casa de Bambini (Children's House)

    Maria created a children's house for poor children in her neighborhood to be able to learn and grow. This gave every child an opportunity to learn. She also created programs later on to help education even further.
  • First Nursery School

    In the low-poverty part of London, a nursery opened up because it focused on health and education, which is what gained the name Nursery. This was founded by Margaret McMillian.
  • First Cooperative Nursery School

    A Nursery School opens up at the University of Chicago.
  • More Public Nurseries Open!

  • Waldorf Education

    Steiner believed that children needed to have independent education just like Froebel and Montessori believed but to also have different areas of growth and heavily emphasized it. A mother would also be the role of a teacher to help these students.
  • First Black Nursery School

    Dorthory Howards found the first black nursery school for kids, and it successfully stayed open for 50 years.
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    J.M Sugarman

    J.M. Sugar is the founder of the Head Start program.
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik was the first satellite that was launched into space. This had many education places start to think. Americans especially thought as to why they weren't the first ones to launch something in space and what was preventing that. Sputnik truly had people think of how to make education better.
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    The Start of "A Head Start"

    J.M. Sugarman created "Head Start" as a program to help lower-income students. This was also a summer school program to help students before they started elementary school later that year.
  • High/Scope

    High Scope was made to help children with poverty still be able to learn effectively. This would include a schedule for the day and also have physical activity involved in school. High/Scope was typically preschool- 3rd grade.
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    DAP (Developmentally Appropriate Practices)

    This is making sure that at the child's age, they are meeting age-appropriate requirements. DAP is also making sure that children have lots of hands-on learning with materials to help with fine motor skills and to learn about the environment around them.
  • Standards

    2001 is when most standards started. This is when common core classes are required for children to learn. This was the standards-based grading movement. One of the examples is No Child Left Behind.
  • No Child Left Behind

    This is the act that has the requirement of every child to go to school. This makes sure that every child has a successful student career.