Orbis Pictus
The Orbis Pictus is widely considered the first picture book. It had a great influence on the way educators teach, incorporating the senses as an important mechanism for learning. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/28299/28299-h/28299-h.htm -
John Locke tabula rasa
John Locke was instrumental in believing that what children were taught is what they learned. He spoke of children as a blank slate, tabula rasa, and they could be taught everything they needed to become great thinkers. This manner of thinking placed importance on starting education early in life.
Locke -
Emile, Rousseau
Rousseau wrote Emile in 1762 and it was a telling of his views on education. His ideas pressed on the importance that education should not be pushed on a child in a way they can't comprehend, but it should be accomidating to their personal skill sets.
http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/rousseau/#Edu -
Owen's infant school in Scotland
Robert Owen held the belief that the child's environment shaped everything about their life, contributing to what they would become in life. He created his infant school for children of his mill workers. He believed that an emphasis on education at an early age could help to change the circumstances one was in and create a better society.
http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/436254/Robert-Owen/5436/Leadership-of-the-trade-union-movement -
The First Kindergarten
Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel created his Play and Activity institute in 1837,(later to be named kindergarten in 1940). Froebel stressed the importance of play as a method for children to learn and used "gifts," as a way for the teachers to instruct the children on shapes, colors, and other areas.
http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Friedrich_Wilhelm_August_Fr%C3%B6bel -
Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs laid out the basics of human needs in order to reach goals. It pointed out that if the most basic physiological needs are not met then you could not move further up the chart to reach self-actualization.
http://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html -
Project Head Start
As a part of President Lyndon B. Johnson's war on poverty, Head Start was initially created as an eight week summer program. It is now a program available in full day and all year and helps over a million children in the United States every year.
http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/ohs/about/history-of-head-start -
Frames of Mind
Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences is laid out in his Frames of Mind. It speaks of spatial, musical, and interpersonal intelligence, as well as many others. He mentions that they work at the same time and compliment each other but are not just one intelligence.