History of Eastern Rome

  • 330

    Emperor Constantine I founding of Constantinople

    Emperor Constantine I founding of Constantinople
    Constantine who's main rival was in the middle-east moved the roman capital and called it Constantinople, after well him. It also housed a trade route. From this Rome split in-two the western half fell while the eastern half prospered.
  • Period: 330 to Jun 29, 1453

    Timeline of Eastern Rome

    This will show the timeline of one part of rome that would reconquer Italy, then be conquered it's self
  • 532

    NIka Revolts

    NIka Revolts
    This event happened under Justinian's rule. And was caused by, a chariot game. It was more seriously, either you were a green or blue. Both groups murdered each other, but the real reason it was caused was from high taxes and one blue and green being arrest for murder. It's called the Nika revolt, because the citizens cried the word over and over. The place was under siege and the hagia sophia was burnt
  • 534

    General Belisarius conquest of Northern Africa

    General Belisarius conquest of Northern Africa
    With orders from Justinian, Belisarius lead the Byzantium army into the territories own by the Vandals. The upcoming campaign would bring the shear force of the Byzantium's. The war ended with the surrender of Gelimer. North Africa had fallen into Roman hands again. Then Italy would be next.
  • 537

    The Haiga Sophia

    The Haiga Sophia
    Under the orders of Justinian I, the Haiga Sophia was made. Construction started on 537 and ended in 537. It was first made into an Orthodox Church, then into a Roman Catholic Church, and finally into a Mosque. Now a days the Haiga Sophia represents a great historical construction. Today it's now a museum (Which I visited to last year).
  • 554

    General Belisaruis Conquest of Italy

    General Belisaruis Conquest of Italy
    Under the rule of Emperor Justinian I, Belisaruis lead an army into Italy after taking out the vandals. Justinian's goal was to reform the roman empire. To do this he need to take Rome form the Ostrogoths. Under his leadership he defended Rome and take all of Italy
  • 750

    Early Islamic conquests

    Early Islamic conquests
    With the spread of Islam it brought wars upon the Byzantines. Many of which they would lose, the conquest conquered: Syria, north Africa, Iberia, Egypt, and southern Anatolia. All of the lands that used too or are part of the Byzantine Empire
  • 1018

    Bulgarian Conquest

    Bulgarian Conquest
    The Byzantium empire had lost control of the Balkans when the Slavs invaded the region. However in 1018 the Byzantines lead by Basil II conquered Bulgaria, giving them the influence in the Balkan Area.
  • 1054

    Great Schism

    Great Schism
    A time where Christianity was once a single religion. But due to complicated matters like the how the language should use, the church was split. Roman Catholics to the West, and Orthodox Christians to the East.
  • Nov 27, 1096

    The first Crusade

    The first Crusade
    After Seljuk Turks invade Anatolia, the Byzantines where worried. So Alexios I contacted to pope for holy aid. With that the first crusade began. The goal was to take Jerusalem but one of the many true reason was to regain lost territory that was taken form the Seljuk.
  • 1204

    The sack of Constantinople

    The sack of Constantinople
    The ill fated fourth crusade was to invade Egypt and take Jerusalem. But they had the problem of, well money. First they attempted to get ships form Venice. But that didn't work, so they head to Constantinople. With promise of gold and ships from Alexios IV, the Crusaders besiege the capital. When Alexios couldn't keep his promise the capital was sacked. The crusaders installed a new government. The Latin Empire. This weakened the Byzantines, they would never recover from such an event.
  • Jun 25, 1453

    Fall of an Empire

    Fall of an Empire
    After 53 days of siege Constantinople fell. With constant struggle to end the siege, the city fell. Emperor Constantine XI was killed in battle after he and his soldiers made one final stand. The city was plundered, then it was named the new capital of the Ottoman who would later conquered strongholds that belonged to the Byzantines. The sun final set on an Empire that would last 1000 years before it's fall.