
History of Early Civilization in Egypt

By Mummie
  • 340

    Greece invades Egypt- 340 BC

    Greece invades Egypt- 340 BC
    General Alexander the Great invaded Egypt and devasted their empire. Ended Hittite empire, weakened and gained Egypts control of Syria. Egypt then broke into small states and fell to Rome. This ended a great deal in civilization for Egypt.
  • Jan 28, 625

    Chaldeans 625 B.C

    Chaldeans 625 B.C
    As Assyria began to decline, the Chaldeans swooped in. Babylon was the capital of their new empire. The Chaldeans admired ancient Sumerican culture and also developed a calendar and advances in astronomy.
  • Period: Feb 3, 1070 to May 28, 1570

    The New Kingdom 1570 B.C - 1070 B.C

    After so many wars and so much chaos, the ancient Egyptians thought it would be smart to have a full-time army. Instead of recruiting soldiers, they now had full time, well trained soldiers ready for battle at any time. Famous Pharohs are present in this time period such as King Ramses and King Tut.An early type of monotheism also occured during this time. Monotheism wasn't so popular in Egypt, in fact it was unheard of.
  • Aug 6, 1279

    King Ramses the Great- 1279 BC- 1213 BC

    King Ramses the Great- 1279 BC- 1213 BC
    King Ramses became king at age 15. He had many confrontations and battles with the Hittites. Accounts of battle vary, but the two armies signed truce and King Ramses married a Hittite princess. King Ramses had more monuments and temples to himself than other pharohs.
  • Nov 12, 1300

    Hititite Culture 1300 B.C

    Hititite Culture 1300 B.C
    In 1300 B.C, the Hititites were an empire settled in modern-day Turkey. The Hititites were also a rival to the Egyptians. The Hititites military might was very strong; horse drawn chariots,war-like Indo-Europeans tribes, and first to make objects out of iron.
  • Mar 4, 1332

    King Tut as Pharoh - 1332 B.C - 1323 B.C

    King Tut as Pharoh - 1332 B.C - 1323 B.C
    King Tut was nine years old when he became king. King Tut relied heavily on his advisor Ay and his support General Horemheb during his reign. In the same year he became pharaoh, 1334BC, Tut married Ankhesenpaaten, his half sister who was also the third daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti and the granddaughter of Ay. King Tut allowed various building works at this time including the restoration of some temple properties at Karnak and Thebes worshipping the old gods.
  • Jul 9, 1479

    The Reign of Hatsheput 1479 BC - 1458 BC

    The Reign of Hatsheput 1479 BC - 1458 BC
    Hatsheput was a very successful pharoh of the new kingdom in Egypt. Hatsheput was actually a female pharoh but dressed as a man to avoid being discriminated. She is the only woman pharoh. Hatsheput was know for encouraging trade in Egypt.
  • Feb 8, 1550

    Phoencia 1550 BC - 300 BC

    Phoencia was a trading center in Western Asia. City states ermged as trading centers and Phoencians built a wealthy trading society
    *Founded colonies on routes
    *Exported/imported ivory,silver, and slaves
  • Period: to

    The Middle Kingdom 2040 B.C - 1782 B.C

    Once Egypt was reunited, with Thebes as the capital, much of the power was still not entirely in the hands of the Pharaohs. The king depended on the local governors to recruit soldiers from their provinces to pull together an army. Then during the 12th dynasty, Egypt's army was strong enough to begin a series of invasions to expand the territory. They would build fortresses in the new areas to secure them.
    Egypt also began to trade with Nubia.
  • Hammurabi 1792 B.C

    Hammurabi 1792 B.C
    In 1792 B.C, Hammurabi became king. Hammurabi united all of Mesmotopia and created the Hammurabi Code. The Hammurabi Code was a law system which consisted of 280 laws from trade to murder. The Hammurabi Code was one of the first law systems of Egypt.
  • Hittite Downfall 900 B.C

    Hittite Downfall 900 B.C
    In 900 B.C, the Hittite empire fell and soon other tribes fought for dominance in Western Asia. In time, Assyrians became the supreme power in the region.rfc
  • Period: to

    Small downfall for Egypt (2181 B.C - 2040 B.C

    This time period was very bad for Egypt. A long devastating drought occured in Egypt bringing famine and disease. Eventually the poor people started an anarchy towards the kings causing a seperation between the kindoms. That is until the end of the period, the Theban king Menuhotep conquers and unifies Egypt again.
  • Period: to

    The Old Kingdom 2686 B.C- 2181 B.C

    The Old Kingdom was the "Age of the pyramids" for Egypt. During this time period, Egyptians were building pyramids and progressing with wealth and living. The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt's main landmark and the only surviving ancient wonder of the world, was built by King Khufu in the 4th dynasty. A drought ended the old kingdom period of Egypt.
  • 2330 B.C Sargon Empire

    2330 B.C Sargon Empire
    Around 2330 B.C, the first permeanant army in Egypt was formed. This empire conquered Sumer and North Mesmotopia. The Sargon Empire was one of the first established empire lasting 100 years.