
History of Early Childhood Education

  • Period: Jan 1, 1483 to Dec 31, 1546

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther emphasized the importance of establishing schools to teach children to read. He also translated the bible to german, which led to the begining of teaching and learning to read in ones own native tongue.
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    John Comenius

    John Amos Comenius Spent his life teaching and writing text books. One famous book being "Orbis Pictus", the first known picture book. He believed that early experience molded what a child would be like. He also strongly believed in learning through using your senses.
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Rousseau believed in natural education of young children that encouraged growth without interferance or restriction.He believed that who a child was and what they would be like, would unfold as a result oftheir individual development.These beliefs pioneered the ideas of developmentally appropriate practices.These practices lead educators to match teachings and practices to the developmental levels of children.
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    Robert Owen

    Owen believed that environment influences childrens beliefs, behaviors and achievements. He believed that society shaped character and that education shaped society.
  • Opening of Infant school.

    Robert Owen opened and infant school in New Lanark, Scotland for about 100 students ages 18 months to 10 years. The school was meant to educate the children of people working in the cotton mills that Owen owned.
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    John Dewey

    John Dewey hada theory called "progressivism." This Theory emphasized children's intereszts rather than subject matter. His teachings focussed on the concept that "daily life should be a source of activities though which children learn about life and skills necessary for living." Dewey's school was designed to strongly resemble a child's home life. household duties and activities were used to teach problem solving, reading and math.
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    Maria Montessori

    Maria Montessori was interested in educational solutions to problems such as deafness, paralysis, and mental retardation. She opened her first school named Casa dei Bambini "Children's House" in Rome. Her teachings were based on theories that emphasized that knowlege comes from sensorial experience. The materials used were sensory based and were self-correcting. She believed that respect for children is fundamental to teaching.
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    Jean Piaget

    Piaget had a theory of Cognitive Development based on ages and stages of development. He believed that children are "little scientists" that develop their own intelegence. He encouraged physical activity in learning because it promotes growth and cognitive development. Another theory of piaget's was the Constructivist theory which is based on the idea that children learn through experience rather than absorbing and passively recieving knowlege.
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    Erik Erikson

    Erikson practiced his theory of Psycosocial Development. He believed that cognitive development and social development grow hand in hand and never separately. Children's personalities and social skills grow and develop within their environment and influences. Adults play a large role in helping or hindering these developments.