Parish Work Houses
London Foundling homes for infants- 100% mortality rate
Kindergartens spread through Germany
Dunedin Crech formed
First kindergarten opened in Dunedin
NZ first foundling home
Infant Life protection Act
Adoption of children Act
Mothering was seen as an occupation of value
First Creche in Wellington
Professional baby farmer (Mary Ann Guy) convicted of murder
Infant mortalities lowest in the world
Plunket movement started in Dunedin
60 branches formed with plunket nurses and 6 Karitane hospitals opened
Mother Craft Manual "feeding and care of baby"
34 Free kindergartens and 2 charitable creche
New Playcentre movement
NZ playcentre federation is constitued
Recruitment and training of teachers was moved to teachers colleges
92 play centres
NZ free kindergarten Association is formed
First NZ childcare regulations
First married woman accepted into primary and kindergarten training
Cultural awreness is accepted in centres and schools
All kindergartens staffed with fully trained teachers
Plunket philosophy changes
Government introduced fee subsidies for parents unable to afford childcare costs
National car seat rental programme introduced
Government introduces grants to support early childhhod training
Department of Social Welfare changed to Department of Education
Department of Education replaced by Ministry of Education
ECE curriculum acknowledged a bi-cultural nation was under development
Period: to
over 1029 new ECE centres open
Impact of budget- fees up, wages down
The first NZ curriculum for Early Childhood Te Whariki
10 year strategic plan
20hrs free introduced by Labour government
Updated Early childhood regulations released
Budget- removes 100% funding rate. Reduction in funding for 80% rate
An agenda for Amazing Children report published
need for better investment in Early childhood education
Vulnerable children are at risk of missing out on quality ECE education
Need better teacher:child ratio -
247 complaints were made to MoE about the quality of teaching
Complaints include children being hurt or injured while at the centre -
Vulnerable children Act passed
ECE funding Handbook updated
2015 budget disappoints
No funding increase
The $75 million extra funding over four years has been allocated to pay for the increased number of children attending ECE for longer hrs
Want to encourage more children to attend an Early childhood centre -
Early childhood get better funding
$396.9 million will be spent over the next 4 years in ECE
14,000 more children will be able to attend an ECE centre -
Children attending ECE centres are not fully prepared for school
Primary school teachers are seeing the increase of children starting school and having limited literacy and numeracy skills, considering a high percentage of students participating in a ECE centre.
Need more qualified teachers to provide quality learning experiences for children