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History of Early Childhood Education

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    John Comenius

    Creator of first picture book,Orbis Pictus. Claimed that early learning determined future life success. Known today as the 'Father of Modern Education,' he pioneered modern educational methods. A contemporary of Galileo, Descartes, Rembrandt, and Milton, Comenius contributed greatly to the Enlightenment. He was the first to use pictures in textbooks.
  • First children's book

    John Amos Comenius, known as the Father of Modern Education and was the first to recognize that the play of childhood was learning, and produced the first children's picture book, "The World Illustrated".
  • Children Learn Differently

    Philosopher Jean-Jacques Roussueau states that a child's mode of thinking is different than an adult and they learn though hands-on experience. Rousseau greatly influenced Immanuel Kant’s work on ethics. His novel Julie or the New Heloise impacted the late eighteenth century’s Romantic Naturalism movement, and his political ideals were championed by leaders of the French Revolution.
  • First Preschool

    Johann Pestalozzi established what is considered to the first school to teach preschool age children.
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    Maria Montessori

    Developed Montessori method for early childhood education- all knowledge comes from sensory experiences.
  • First Public Kindergarten

    First public school kindergarten started in St. Louis.
  • NAEYC Founded

    National Association for the Education of Young Children is founded. Now over 100,000 members and 400 affiliates.
  • First KinderCare

    The first Kindercare center is opened.
  • NAECP Established

    National Academy of Early Childhood Programs is established by NAEYC for voluntary accreditation of center based programs.
  • No Child Left Behind

    The No Child Left Behind Act bill is passed.
  • Preschool for All Initiative

    President Obama called on Congress to expand access to high-quality preschool to every child in America, called The Preschool for All initiative.