History of Early Childhood Education

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    Johann Amos Comenius

    Comenius wrote the first picture book for children. She focused on the natural occurrence of learning and development.
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    John Locke

    John Locke found the theory that children are born clean and not evil. Instead, they are affected by their society, parents, and education.
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau had the theory that all children are born good and not evil. They focused on how education should grow on this theory.
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    No child left behind

    No matter the income, children deserve to have an education.
  • Robert Owen

    Owen developed the first British infant school. This then developed to mixed age groups and a variety of things and activities for learning and fun.
  • Johann Henrich Pestalozzi

    Pestalozzi focussed on the importance of home education.
  • Kindergarden

    IN 1837, the first kindergarten opened up in Blankenburg Germany by Friedrich Froebel. Froebei thought that it was important for children to recieve information about music, nature, stories, and being together. This is where kindergarten came in to teach kids these things.
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel

    Froebel opened the first kindergarten. This was a German school and later on, Froebels former student opened the first kindergarten in the United States.
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    Rudolf Steiner

    Steiner made the theory that childhood is its own time that needs to be cherished. It should be protected and carefully taught.
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    Maria Montessori

    She was the first woman in Italy to graduate with a medical degree. She specifically worked with children with disabilities.
  • A. S Neill

    Neil was a part of the Child Study movement. This study has continued to reflect and effect us today.
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    Nursery Schools

    These schools opened to go beyond basic care. This way they focused more on learning and development.
  • Sputnik

    This was the first space exploration. This caused an uprising in the educational circles. Since we were not the first in space, we were wondering where we went wrong in education.
  • Social Reform

    This is a term that is used to have children change and improve as they get older and learn. Edelman was a particularly strong advocate for social reform in the 1960s.
  • Head Start

    Head Start started to guide low-income families. This includes social, emotional, and medical services to preschools.
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    Media and Technology

    Technology was introduced and affected children. Ipads, phones, and other devices played in effect at homes and schools.
  • High Scope

    High Scope was a study to see the effects of poverty on a child's development. The research showed the importance of having an education for all.
  • DAP

    DAP is a developmentally appropriate practice. This is where according to their age, what is appropriate for them to do and say.
  • Standards

    This is something that was introduced in the education system in the United States to have children be monitored more in their learning with more guidance.