Prehistoric Art
The earliest known drawings date back to around 30,000-10,000 BCE. These drawings were found on the cave walls of Lascaux, France and Altamira, Spain and were created using primitive tools. -
Ancient Greek Art
Artists during this time created many artifacts such as vases and other pottery, which they painted decorative drawings on. These drawings told various stories of battles and myths. -
Period: 300 to
History of Art
Ancient Egyptian Art
Early Egyptians carved hieroglyphics and religious deities into their temple walls and tombs. This began around 3,000 BC. Later on, they began drawing on papyrus, a paper-like material that was made from the papyrus plant. -
Art of the Middle Ages
Between 400-1400 CE, drawings were mainly created to express religious messages and stories of the Bible. Paintings were painted on wood, slate, or wax until paper was invented in 1100 CE.The artworks were often thrown away or painted over. This is one reason why so many paintings and drawings from this time were lost. Artists also kept model books, so they wouldn't have to use live models whenever they drew or painted. -
Jan 1, 1400
Art of the Renaissance
Drawing became a respectable art form because of the popularity and frequent use of paper. Scientists also began drawing to record their learning about the physical world. Chalk and charcoal also became increasingly popular and were often used in works by Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. Portraiture became common and portraits hung in wealthy households. -
Art of the Baroque Period
This period in the 1600's and 1700's introduced a new style of drawing that was all about livlier forms with flowing lines. Artists began using water colors and ink washes and had access to sketchbooks. -
Art of the Innovation Period
Pencils were finally manufactured in the early 19th century and quickly became the most peferred drawing tools. Various movements like Impressionism, Cubism, Fauvism, and Expressionism also occured both in the 19th and 20th centuries. -
Period: to
History of Drawing