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History of Drawing by Carlos Hernandez

  • 30,000 BCE

    Stone Age

    Stone Age
    The first drawings were found on cave walls in France and Spain. These drawing were not confined to walls and could be found knifes, papyrus, pots, and other smooth surfaces.
  • 3500 BCE


    Art consisted of warrior art and stone relief work. These are slabs of clay that were used as architectural elements like wall facings. Many rulers that were carved into these slabs are on different monuments.
    There have also been examples of the carved pieces being used sort of like a timeline or a narrative scene. These were also used for tombs.
  • 850 BCE


    During this time period it was all about Greek idealism. Greek idealism is based on balance and perfect proportions. Sculptures and architectural places show excellent flow and proportions. They also portray emphasis by the way everything is formed perfectly and all of the clean lines.
  • 653 BCE

    Indian, Chinese, & Japanese

    Indian, Chinese, & Japanese
    The art in Asia was very unique. Cultural tradition, religious beliefs, features of geography, the written word, respect for nature, and man’s role in the universe all influenced the makings of art in Asia.
    Whatever the art may be works of Chinese and Japanese art inspire viewers with their beauty and provide valuable clues to understanding the cultures that created them.
  • 476

    Byzantine & Islamic

    Byzantine & Islamic
    The art that was here tending to relate to religion but not all of the art work doesn't pertain to religion, but also certain territories. There were sculptures of portrait busts and full length statues of religious figures, calligraphy, vegetal patterns, geometric patterns, and other figural representation.
  • 500

    The Middle Ages

    The Middle Ages
    During this Period, Celtic-Germanic art combined with ornamental interlacing patterns, there was geometric and abstract arts. Examples of these are grand cathedrals and castles. Gothic art also developed during this time
  • 1400


    The Renaissance was considered the “rebirth” following the Middle Ages. During this time they re-established Western art according to the principles of classical Greek art, especially Greek sculpture and painting. Also, Humanism was becoming more popular and people started to move away from solely doing art of Religious figures
  • Romanticism

    This was the classical revival in European art, architecture, and interior design. This period gave rebirth to the art of ancient Rome and Greece and the Renaissance. The style most frequently in their arts and architecture, using the classical elements to express ideas of nationalism, courage, and sacrifice.
  • Realism

    This period was the attempt to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificiality, and avoiding artistic conventions, implausible, exotic and supernatural elements. Instead of portraying a fantasy it sought to portray real and typical contemporary people and situations with truth and accuracy, and not avoiding unpleasant or sordid aspects of life.
  • Impressionism

    The most notable characteristic of Impressionism was an attempt to accurately and objectively record visual reality in terms of transient effects of light and color.