Sir Isaac Pitman
Shorthand course by mail -
Anna Ticknor
Volunteer effort to encourage women in correspondence instruction, Boston -
Chautaugua College of Liberal Arts
Summer Institutes and Correspondence courses, New York. -
National University Extension Assoc (NUEA) Rainey Harper
Set new pedagogical models, guidlines and standards for correspondence courses -
Educational Radio
Failed -
US Army Institute
Proivided corresponce courses to miliatary personel -
Sunrise Semester TV Broadcast
Chicago -
Britian's Open University
Application of technology to facilitate distance learning -
Empire State College
Higher education more accessible through primitive computer networks -
Cable and Satellite Television
DBS Direct Broadcast Satellite -
Online Education made possible -
Mind Extension University 18 University members
Delivered video course materials -
Online Distance Learning, New Hampshire. Interact real time -
Online Universities fully accredited for advanced degrees
Programs using all technology for course delivery -
Web Based Distance Education
66% of American Adults utilizing online education -
Introduction of MOOC's 1st generation
First Generation of Massively Open Online Courses