2001 BCE
Oral Hygiene
The Aristocrats of Ancient Egypt were very concerned with their oral health. They often have servants attend to their teeth. -
2000 BCE
Dentistry in Mummies
Studies show that mummies have been revealed that mummies have revealed that dental cavities as well as tooth abscesses. -
1801 BCE
Oral Hygiene in Ancient Greece
Ancient recipes for toothpaste were made from bones, eggshells, pumice an myrrh and the the greeks also used some mint. Although they have toothpaste there was no toothbrush -
1800 BCE
Greek Dentistry
Ancient Greek scholars Hippocrates and Aristotle wrote about dentistry, including the eruption pattern of teeth, treating decayed teeth and gum disease, extracting teeth with forceps, and using wires to stabilize loose teeth and fractured jaws. -
181 BCE
Oral Hygiene in Romans
Medicine in ancient Rome combined various techniques using different tools, methodology, and ingredients. Roman medicine was highly influenced by Greek medicine -
180 BCE
Romans Dentistry
Scientists revealed in a press conference that the ancient Romans had perfect teeth and no immediate discernible need for dentists. They didn’t need the use of toothbrush or toothpaste and their diet was based on low-sugar diet. -
Renaissance Dentistry
In the mid 16th century, most people used Rosemary Charcoal to maintain the cleanliness of their teeth -
Dentistry in the 17th Century
During the 17 cent. Barber-surgeons began to specialize in dentistry but density gradually separated from surgery. The first english book on dentistry was published in 1685. It was called The Operator for the teeth. -
17th Century Toothbrush
People didn't have toothbrushes to brush their teeth so they used twigs to clean them. Toothbrushes were made by the chinese in 1480 but they took a long time to reach Europe. Toothbrushes didn't reach europe until the mid 17th century. -
First False Teeth
The first porcelain false teeth were invented in 1770. -
First Dental Drill
John Greenwood constructed the first know dental foot engine. He got the idea of it from his mother's foot treadle spinning wheel to rotate a drill.