History of Deegandor

By mjc4623
  • Aug 20, 1462

    Founding of Deegandor

    In late August 1462, Malina Canttel, female captian of the Majesty, sailed across the Altlantic and landed on what is now Jamaica. She explored the area carefully observing the suroundings. She is the proud founder of Deegandor.
  • Nov 29, 1542


    40 years after Deegandor was founded, its inhabitants immigrated to a French island and settled there.
  • Tsunami of Deegandor

    On the day of March 31, 1634 a huge wave hurtled towards the country of Deegandor carrying destruction with it. The Tsunami of Deegandor was truly devestating killing thousands of citizens and demolishing tons of houses. It came from the Atlantic and crashed into the Deegandor Plains.
  • Mt. Cormat Eruption

    In 1883 in Cormat, Deegandor, its volcanoe Mt. Cormat erupted unexpectedly. It was just a normal afternoon and BOOM! The city was engulfed in blazing lava. It took 74 years to restore it to its original natural beauty.
  • "Maliskof Sacred Florali"

    On the coldest day of winter, the citizens that lived in the heart of Maliskof (the capitol of Deegandor), discovered a strange florali blooming in a pile of snow. "Florali" is the word for flower in Gandarka. It was the only flower even alive, in the harsh cold. The King and Queen instructed a 2 week watch on the mysterious plant and it never wilted. So, royal servants were sent to find the seeds. What the people called the "Maliskof Sacred Florali" soon became the official country flower.