1 CE
What is Graphic Design
Graphic design is the art or skill of combining text and pictures in advertisements, magazines, or books.
https://bit.ly/2MgDLqd -
The birth of Graphic Design
The invention of printing press in Europe, people were able to recreate text, art and design on a massive scale for relatively cheap.
https://99designs.com/blog/design-history-movements/history-graphic-design/ -
The Gutenberg press
Johannes Gutenberg brought move-able type into Europe,this brought mass communication to the Western culture.This press allowed the people to no longer rely on the lengthy reproduction of books. -
Chromolithography introduced multi-color printing this allowed companies to use more color in their ads.
https://bit.ly/304Xxbi -
Early Graphic Design and Advertising
Once they were able to print in color, companies we able to create more quality advertisements and posters for events. These ads would catch consumers eyes and make them want to attend/purchase a product.
http://www.designishistory.com/1850/posters/ -
Companies using Graphic Design
Coca Cola soon caught on to the colored printing and graphic designs. They began to make ads similar to this to convince consumers to purchase there product
https://bit.ly/2N4uFfO -
The first Graphic Design Agency
The first graphic design agency was the "Viennese Workshops". This agency was the first organization in Austria that was dedicated to the production of modern decorative art. -
Bauhaus was founded
The first art school, "Staatliches Bauhaus" was a German art school that mixed crafts, and fine arts. It was founded by Walter Gropius
https://www.britannica.com/topic/Bauhaus -
The term "Graphic Design"
Graphic Design became a term in 1922, it was founded by William Addison Dwiggins.
shorturl.at/dmqMU -
Digital Era of Graphic Design
Begging in the 1950's we began to be introduced to the Digital Era, which is the era we are currently living in. More and more people started getting home computers and were granted access to more forms of communication, art, and new digital softwares. -
Release of Adobe Photoshop
This software introduced huge changes in graphic design, it created an entirely new subcategory of graphic design and blending different art elements together -
Future of Graphic Design
The future of graphic design is unimaginable, the way technology is improving over the years there is no telling how graphic design will advance. There is no limit on art. Art can be whatever you want it to be.