Department of Education was Created
Department of Education was demoted to a minor office.
As an agency not represented in the president's cabinet, it quickly became a relatively minor bureau in the Department of the Interior. -
Plessy v Ferguson SCOUS - Separate but Equal
Plessy was a Lousinana shoemake who was seven eighths white and one eighth black. He objected to being segregated on the train cars by color. The Supreme court decided that it was not a voilation of law and upheld the Lousiana court's decision. This impacted schools in that blacks and whites attended different schools. The black schools were inferior to white schools on every level. -
John Dewey Writes Deomcracy & Education
Dewey started the progressive education movement. Dewey thought that because each classroom represented a microcosm of the human relationships that constituted the larger community, Dewey believed that the school, as a "little democracy," could create a "more lovely society." -
Irving Babbitt wrote "Democracy and Leadership
Irving Babbitt was a Harvard professor for 40 years and believed that educating children was society's most important act.
As Prof. Robert C. Koons wrote of Babbitt’s idea: “All other social and political practices, whether the scope of civil liberties, the worship of gods or ideals, or the distribution of benefits and burdens, are merely the epiphenomena of the cultural ethos created by education.” -
Skinner publishes "Science & Human Behavior"
In this work operant conditioning empasizes change in behavior as a result of reinforcement. -
Brown v Board of Education
In this Supreme Court decision separating people based on the color of their skin was found to be illegal. Therefore schools started the slow process of integration creating a more equal education system for all children. -
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) Form 1 was released.
(WAIS) is a test designed to measure intelligence in adults and older adolescents. It is a battery of tests, assessing varying areas of intellegce such as verbal comprehension and processing speeds. -
Bloom's Taxonomy is Published
A taxonomy the promotes a hierarchy of learning including Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. The first three being the lower levels of learning and the upper three being the more advanced levels of learning. -
Rehabilitation Act becomes law - Section 504
This requires a school district to provide a “free appropriate public education” (FAPE) to each qualified person with a disability who is in the school district’s jurisdiction, regardless of the nature or severity of the person’s disability. -
The Rehabilitation Act's name was changed to IDEA
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) as it's name was officially changed to in -
Another Amedment to IDEA
An additional amendment was passed to strengthen IDEA and further ensure handicapped children's right to a free and equitable education to that of their non-handicapped peers. -
IDEA is Reauthorized by President George W. Bush
An additional amendment was passed to reauthorize and strengthen IDEA and further ensure handicapped children's right to a free and equitable education to that of their non-handicapped peers. Response to Intervention or RTI was introduced giving teachers another avenue to help students who are struggling before they gain admittance into the Special Education program. -
No Child Left Behind was signed into law.
A widely critized law that challegend low perfoming schools to implement changes to better serve their students. Accountability, Flexibility, Research-based education, parent options were introduced as ways these schools could improve. -
Obama signs a Bill-Race to the Top
Race to the top was part of the stimulus bill that had a program called "Race to the Top." This program gave money to the Department of Education, essentially doubling down on the NCLB act that was passed by President Bush in 2001. This program threw a of national academic standards upon the states that are severly deficient in their implemenation and is plauged with various other problems.