
History of CSI

  • The First Guidance for Doctors

    The First Guidance for Doctors
    Before detectives existed, doctors and police dealt with crime scenes. William Augustus Guy published a guide book for doctors on how to deal with a victims body. Guy's guide book explained how to examine the wound as well as the location of the body and surrounding objects.
  • Crime and Punishment

    Crime and Punishment
    "Crime and Punishment" takes place in the 1860's, before CSI was a thing. Before 1893, detectives had to rely on the criminals making crucial mistakes or confessing, detectives also had to have had a strong understanding of human psychology.
  • Police Code and Manual of Criminal Law

    Police Code and Manual of Criminal Law
    The head of CID at Scotland Yard, Sir Howard Vincent, published a handbook with specific instructions on dead bodies and how police should handle the matter. His book focused on the more sophisticated French detective methods.
  • The First CSI Handbook

    The First CSI Handbook
    The first CSI handbook was made by Austrian professor of criminal law Hans Gross and French Criminalist Edmond Locard. The handbook listed new practices and tools that could be used to solve crimes. Gross showed how to sketch the important locations on a single piece of paper. Hans Gross's book was translated into English in 1906.
  • CSI in the 19th Century

    Towards the end of the 19th century CSI started gaining ground in England, this led to mugshots and fingerprinting as well as crime scene photography.
  • The Murder Bag

    The Murder Bag
    The murder bag was a tool kit used on crime scenes, it had the tools necessary to properly investigate murders. The first version included a large magnifying glass, rubber gloves, a plastic apron and disinfectant.
  • The Emergence of Crime Labs

    The Emergence of Crime Labs
    The next decade showed the rise of many CSI Labs. It was also the beginning of detective training courses.
  • DNA Analysis

    DNA Analysis
    DNA analysis was discovered and used by CSI in 1986. The first DNA analysis was first used on fingerprints. Shortly after, DNA analysis was used for blood, hair, and skin.