First IQ test
Alfred Binet and his students developed first IQ test to identify children who would have not been approproate for public school -
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progressive movement takes shape
Large part of American population awakened to negative changes throughout society. Maria Montessoris believed studenys should be allowed to follow their own interests and respect others. It then dominated school guidance, although teachers mainly administered these lessons. -
Parsons publishes Choosing a Vocation
Opens up first bureau of vocational guidance in Boston matching individuals with suitable careers -
First mental health clinic
Clifford Beers established in America advocating for more human treatments for those with psychological disorders -
National Mental Health Act
More than 1 million men were rejected from WWII due to mental illness alerting the United States of the need for counseling. This act allowed for the research into prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health disorders -
The American Personnel and Guidance Association
Created to provide counselors with a professional association. Later became the American Counseling Association as it remains today. -
National Defense Education Act
Passed to provide funding to establish counseling and guidance institution to train counselors -
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Humanistic theories help counseling
Humanistic theories continue to emerge and help society view human existence from a holistic approach which greatly helped distinguish counseling from other mental health professions -
kennedy passed the community mental health act in which Individuals became eligible for benefits from medicare, medicaid, and social security. As well as, community mental health centers around the US -
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group therapy movement and proliferation of counseling theories
Carl Roger's client centered therapy was pitted against strict behaviorists, other schools of therapy arose. Controversy and confusion was created, but counseling values of people can change and helping people grow was strengthened. -
Stress and wellness
Hans Slye investigated having effects on human health and counseling began to focus on the word wellness -
American Mental Health Counselor Association
Mental health professionals were not being recognized due to not having an association so the AMHCA was created -
ASCA national standards for school counseling
Developed to strengthen school counseling identity, roles, and programs -
ACA wins
ACA strived for licensure for counselors in all 50 states