History of computing & the internet

By Beata.g
  • First computer invented

    First computer invented
    The first computer was invented by Charles Babbage in 1822, but it was actually not built until until 1991. The first computer was pretty basic, it had a basic flow control, punch cards and integrated memory. This have been important for the history of computers because its a part of the development of the computers.
  • The first computer Programmer

    Ada Lovelace was an English mathematician and writer. She was mostly known for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purpose computer. As a result of that she is often regarded as the first computer programmer. Lovelace was important in the development of computers because she developed the programming of computer so that the technique could develop through times. And by that we today can use computers.
  • Invention of the modern computer

    The first modern computer was invented at Cambridge university by Alan Turing. Turing was a computer scientist. And in 1936 he invented the principal of of the modern computer. This is important for the history of computers because we get the opportunity to communicate.
  • Invention of the computer mouse

    In 1963 Douglas Engelbart invented the computer mouse. That was a part of the experiment to find a better way to point and click on a display screen. This event has also been important in the history of developing computers, because without a computer mouse we wouldn't be able to use the computers in a proper way And it would be just more complicated.
  • Microsoft invention

    Microsoft was invented by Bill Gates in 1975. Gates was an American software developer. Microsoft is an American technology company that is being used all over the world. It have been really important and useful since it was developed. The invention of Microsoft have been important for the development of the modern computers, because it has needful tools that we need to be able to work on computers. And also save information that we need on computers.