Period: to
History of computing
1830 to 2017 -
Charles Babbage designs Difference Engine
Designed by Charles Babbage to calculate and tabulate mathematical functions called polynomials. it was never competed however due to a dispute with Joseph Clement who was building it. It was then broken for scrap -
Defining a Computer
Definition of a Computer - before 1935, a computer was a person who performed arithmetic calculations. Between 1935 and 1945 the definition referred to a machine, rather than a person -
Atanasoff Berry Computer
Built at Iowa state university to improve the speed of calculations and used binary calculations -
Used to break German encryption in WW2 -
Von Neumann Architecture
released a paper describing the logical design of a compute which is still used today -
worlds first general purpose computer -
First electronic robot on a production line
world's first working robot joined the assembly line at the General Motors plant in Ewing Township in the spring of 1961 -
Moore's Law
Moore, a co-founder of intel noted that the amount of transistors per square inch were doubling every two years -
Internet began as a military computer network
The Internet, originally the ARPAnet (Advanced Research Projects Agency network), began as a military computer network. -
Moon Landing
The Apollo rockets used the Saturn V guidance system to help them into orbit -
First Arcade Game
released by Atari in 1972 -
First Home Console
Magnavox oddysee - developed to improve reactions in the military -
Cray 1
worlds first digital electronic computer -
Apple's first computer
had a graphical user inteface -
First handheld gaming system -
Invention of the World Wide Web
Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the networked hypertext system called the World Wide Web. -
Microsoft released Windows
First release of the windows operating system -
First smart phone
Named Simon -
ISP's began making the internet available to a larger number of people
allowed the internet to enter public homes -
First Social Media Site
Called six Degrees, allowed users to upload photos and information -
Deep blue vs Kasparov
IBM developed a programme that beat the worlds greatest chess player -
ipad announced
dawn of tablet computing -
Autonomous car testing
5 US states have allowed autonomous cars to be tested on public road -
Virtual reality used by NASA
Used and tested by NASA in the 1980's