History of Computing

  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    Charles Babbage was a mathematician and mechanical engineer. Charles Babbage first came up with the idea and concept of a computer. His concept was a programmable digital computer, which was a crazy idea at hi time, during the end of the 18th century.
  • Geore Boole

    Geore Boole
    George Boole is the inventor of the boolean logic. He laid down the foundation of modern logic. The essential logic that he invented are the "Or", "And", "Not". This logic is also what determines what is true and what is false during a given input. This kind of logic is used in basically every programmed hardware. Today we have more options than the ones that George invented. Logic in programing is much more complicated now and includes "Not And", "Equals", "Binary"
  • Konrad Zuse

    Konrad Zuse
    Konrad Zuse was a German civil engineer that invented Plan Calculus. Plan Calculus was the first programing language (ex ,Java is a more modern programing language) that took advantage and used algorithms.
  • John Blankenbaker

    John Blankenbaker
    John Blankenbaker built the first personal computer in the year 1971. John Blankenbaker ended up building and selling 40 computers (he sold each unit for $750) before another french company improved his design in 1973 and started mass production, they were selling them for $1,700 per unit.
  • Robert Kahn

    Robert Kahn
    Robert Khan is the inventor of the internet. The internet made it much easier to store and send things related to programing. The internet made other things much easier but it was a huge upgrade for programing. An example is an easier way to transport programing files. Transporting the files through internet is much more convenient than the old fashion way, like using a fax. At first the "Internet" was called the "World Wide Web"